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At 3pm Harry walked into the classroom. We started working on a polyjuice potion. Everything went well. "Great job Harry." He hugged me. "Thanks Y/n." It hurt a little bit, but it was okay. "I'm looking forward to next week Harry."


"Yes, I do. You did great and I had fun."
Harry gave me a quick stare and left the classroom.

George pov:
Y/n and I were in the common room, Fred had detention.
"Looking forward to your tutor session with I-don't-know-who tonight?" She slowly shook her head. "No? Why not? I thought you liked it."

"I did, it's just. The person I am tutoring. He doesn't like me and I don't like him."

"Why? What happend?"

"His family treathend me and my dad, said they would out us to the minestry." I gave her a look of sympathy and a small smile.
"It's really cold here, let me grab my sweater from upstairs. I'll be back."
I looked at her while she went up the stairs. Fred walked in. "How was it?"
He let himself fall on the right side of the couch. "Boring, cleaning cauldrons wasn't what I expected to do today."

"So what were you planning on doing?" A voice said from behind
Y/n came down the stairs. She had put on a sweater with a creamy colour. "Huh?" She asked when Fred didn't anwser. "I- I don't know. Just not cleaning cauldrons." She reached the couch and sat in between Fred and me.
"I'm hungry. Will you guys walk me to dinner? I need to eat something before that tutor session."

"I thought you liked tutoring?" Fred asked as we stood up. "That's what I thought too."

Fred pov;
We were eating on the Great Hall. Harry and Ron sat with us. Hermione and Ginny sat somewhere else. I saw a perticulour Ravenclaw stare at Y/n. He stood up and walked our way. "Hey guys, want to go back to the common room?" I quickly said. Everyone stood up and started walking.

As we reached the door Elijah grabbed Y/n's waist from behind and put his chin on her shoulder. She fliched. Ofcourse she flinched, she doesn't like getting hugged out of nowhere. And her wound. He just grabbed it, even tho he didn't know about it.
"What is it Elijah?" She asked.

"Just wanted to know if you are free tonight."

"She's not!" I snapped.
"What did you say?"
Uhg he is starting to get on my nervs. "She has to tutor a third year tonight."
He looked annoyed. Good.
"Well what about after that?" I saw Y/n get uncomfortable. "Uhm maybe, what did you have in mind?"

"What about stargazing in the Astronomy tower? Is that okay?" She slowly nodded. "I will be there at 9pm after my tutor session."

"Can't wait." He gave her a kiss on her cheek. Uhg. We started walking again. George and I walked in the back. "Jealous she is going on a date with someone else than you Freddie?" He said in a whisper voice.

"What no! I just don't like him."
I whisperd back.
"Yeah keep telling yourself that Freddie."

We sat down on the couch again. Harry and Ron went to Mcgonagall for some reason. I noticed Harry staring at Y/n a lot during dinner. Maybe he liked Y/n a bit to much. George sat on the right side of the couch. I sat down on the left side.
Y/n dropped herself in between.

"Gosh I'm tired." In the corner of my eye I saw George giving a look. I know exactly what he means. Even tho I said I wasn't jealous of Elijah, George and the others know I have a crush on Y/n. Which wasn't weird since I told them myself.

"Come here." I said with a lot of doubt. Should I have said it in a different way? Something like 'Do you want to lay here?' Or was 'come here' okay?

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