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No pov:
Years passed, umbridge got what she deserved, Snape killed Dumbledore, Fred got his girl a promise ring he hoped to one day replace with a weddingring. That day would be sooner than Y/n expected.

Your pov:
"Y/n! Watch out!" George yelled
Spells were fired at me and Fred.

"Crucio!" The pain flooded through my body. George hit the deatheater that cursed me and Fred dropped on the ground beside me. "You're okay love. Let's go." He helped me back up. All three of us ran back inside the Great Hall to see if we could help anyone.

Molly was hugging Harry who had just laid his eyes om some of his dead friends. My dad and Tonks ran into the Great Hall. "WHERE IS SHE!" My dad yelled. "Dad! I'm right here!" My dad pulled me into a hug. "Kingsley... Fenrir killed him." Tonks said with water in het eyes.

"Fenrir is here!?" I ran out of the hall. "Y/n! No! Not alone!" My dad ran after me. "She won't be alone Remus, we are here too." Fred yelled. George and Fred ran after me. I spottend Fenrir outside.

"You just had to tear me away from my loved ones didn't you? You gave me these scars! And those memories will ALWAYS keep hunting me!" I yelled. I don't think anyone had ever seen we so angry. "Ahhh! The little runaway."

"Expeliarmus!" Dad called. My wand flew through the air. "Dad!?"

"I won't let you kill him Y/n! You can't live with that guilt!" My dad turned to Fenrir. There were flashed of Light before my eyes and Fenrir shattered into pieces just like Bellatrix had about an hour ago. "Dad..."

"I couldn't have let you live your life with that guilt." I hugged him tight. "I'm glad you're save dad.

After that Fred kissed me. "Let's go back inside love." On our way back I tripped and sprained my ankle. Fred lifted me up and carried me inside. "Y/n!" Molly yelled. "What happend!" Molly started to panick. "I'm okay, just sprained my ankle when I tripped. She relaxed a little. George grabbed a bed to put me on while Madam Pomfrey got her things to help my ankle.


We were home for a while now. Save, at the burrow. Dad and Tonks stayed there too. Four weeks ago Fred proposed to me. I didn't want to wait any longer to be his wife. Tomorrow my dream would come true. I will marry the man of my dreams.


"Ready to put the dress on dear?" Molly asked. Tonks just finished my hair.
"Ready. Oh and Tonks, can I ask you a favor?"

"Of course Sunflower. What do you need?"

"Would you like to step in with the mother-daughter dance. I asked carefully. Her eyes watered up. "Are you serious Y/n? Of course I would like that! Merlins beard, I WOULD LOVE IT!"
Her hair danced between different colours.

I put on my dress and my dad picked me up from the room I was in. "Oh dear, you look amazing." He grabbed my arm and we went outside. My dad walked me down the isle. At front was Fred with George. Fred looked at me like I was the only person present.

George put his hand on Freds shoulder. Ginny was my maid of honour. She smiled at me and I smiled back. My gaze went back to Fred when I arrived at the front. He grabbed my hands. We both talked about how we met and how we couldn't imagine our lives without one another. I put his ring on his finger and looked at me. "I love you Freddie."

He picked up my ring and shoved it around my finger. "I love you too Y/n."

"You may kiss your bride." Arthur spoke. Fred gently grabbed my cheek. The kiss was magical. And I never wanted it to end.

The afterparty wasn't that big. Only the inner circle stayed. "Fred? May I steal your wife for a moment?" My dad asked Freddie. He nodded and kissed my cheek.

"May I have a dance or two?" My dad asked me.

Fred pov:
"She is beautiful Freddie." George patted on my shoulder.

"Yeah she is." I looked at my beautifull wife with a big smile.

"Does she know where you plan on taking her for your honeymoon?" He asked me while I watched her dance with her dad. "She has no idea."


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(Word count: 857)
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First I want to thank everyone who kept me motivated to write and finish the story. I really appreciate all the support. But this book has come to an end. The Epilogue will be posted at the same time as this chapter.

If you likes this story read the following information.

I started writing a George Weasley fanfiction last week. Yesterday I uploaded the first few chapters. Mame sure you check it out! You can find it on my profile!

Much love ,
xx me

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