"I love you too Fred Weasley. Now shut up and kiss me." I didn't wait a second and kissed my girlfriends lips. Her hand went from my back to my cheek. I laid her down on the bed and kissed her neck. "You hair is pink Y/n." I whisperd

"And you are the reason Freddie. I'm in love and everyone can know." She kissed me again. Her hand slipped under my shirt and touched my stomach. I stopped kissing her and took my shirt off. I kissed her again. She rolled me over. And left a trail of kisses on my stomach.

It is Christmas eve. Molly invited my dad, Tonks and me to dinner tomorrow. Today it was just the three of us. Dad and Tonks told me they had to talk to me about something. I really don't know what to expect. "Y/n dear? Can you help me with dinner?" Tonks called from the kitchen. She had been staying at our house for a few days now.

"What do you need me to do?"
She was good company. I could talk to her about boy trouble and she helped with my Metamorphmagus side.

I learned some new tricks. I could shape my mouth and nose into a duck and I could control my emotions better than before. "Can you begin with desert?" I nodded and began. "Where is your dad?"

"He went to the forest to find flowers for the table. He thinks it makes the table less boring."

"Typical Remus." She laughed.


"Dinner was amazing, you girls know how to cook." After that it became silent, Tonks looked at me.
"So what did you two want to tell me?"

"We uhm... we don't know what you will think about this but... I'm dating your dad." I was shocked and noticed my hair become all kind of different colours. "From yellow to Light blue to green and back to yellow."

"Oh Merlins beard you are happy, does that mean you are okay with it?" Tonks said relieved. "Yes I am. You are perfect together." Dad stood up and walked over to me. "Give me a hug dear." I hugged him.
"So you really don't mind? I mean... because of... your mother."

"Tonks... mom would have wanted dad to be happy. And you make him happy."

"Aw come here sunflower." She pulled me into a tight hug. "So, when will you move in." I joked.

"What!?" They both yelled. "Calm down you two, I'm joking." They both relaxed again. The rest if the evening was great. It was mostly me and Tonks beating dad in wizarding chess. But I felt happy. "Ha! I beat you!" My dad said exited. He was so of proud of himself. He finally beat me. Tonks gave him a kiss. "Who wants some colour changing tea?" She asked.

"Me!" Both dad and I yelled. After a while Tonks came back with three cups.

"Exited for tomorrow sunflower?" I could see hom exited Tonks was to see the Weasleys. "Yes! Looks like you are exited too."

"Obviously! The Weasleys are amazing." I laughed at how happy she was.


"Fred! George! Ron! Ginny! They are here!" Molly yelled through the house.
Tonks and I were standing the living room of the burrow, dad just stepped out of the fireplace. It looked really cozy. "Fred!" He ran to me and hugged me. "Missed you!" He said. He kissed me. "Uhum." I looked at the direction the noice came from. "Hey George!" He pulled me into a hug.

Bill, Ron, Arthur and Ginny came into the room. "Hello Arthur!" My dad said.

"Now that everyone is here. Remus and I have news." Tonks said a bit anxious.
"We are dating." My dad filled in noticing Tonks being nervous.
"Ah! How lovely!" Molly said while hugging Tonks. "Make him happy will you." Arthur said.
George gave me a 'I told you so' look and I rolled my eyes at him

They continued talking. Fred grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the conversation. "Come with me, I'll give you a little tour." He kissed me. We walked up the stairs.

"This is Ginny's room. That one is Ron's and that one is mom and dad's. And that empty room is Percy's. He is with friends or something. Your dad and Tonks can sleep in his room."

"It is amazing Freddie."

"Want to see the room I share with George? It is a mess though." He took my hand and dragged me inside. "Welcome." It is just how I imagined it to be. "You can sleep with Ginny and Hermione. She will arrive later with Harry. He will sleep with Ron."

"Sounds good. You know what I also missed Freddie?" He came closer. "I think I know what you mean love."

Before I knew I was on my back on Fred's bed. I felt soft kisses on my neck become more and more passionate.
"I love you Fred."

"I love you too." I grabbed the botom of his shirt. He lifted his arms and I pulled the shirt of his chest.

Fred pov:
Her hands touched my abs and went up to my shoulders. "Y/n wait." She looked confused and pulled her hands away. "What is it? Did I do something wrong?"

"No love." I grabbed my wand and put a silencing spell on the room and locked the door. "Nothing is wrong." I kissed her again. My hands pussed her hands into the pillow. After a while I let go and touched her hips. I tried to lift her shirt but she flinched. "I'm sorry love I thought..."

"Shh don't worry. It isn't you its just..."
Was she insecure again? Or scared?
"Come on... I thought we could talk about these things."

"It's just my scar, I hate it."

"I thought you said it was completely gone?" Was she ashamed of it? My hand went under her shirt and touched the scars. I lifter her shirt a bit and my fingers traced the three soft pink lines. "They are beautiful, just like you." I wisperd. She instantly kissed me. And pulled me closer. She tried to take off her shirt but it wasn't that easy with someone on top of you.

I grabbed the edges of her shirt and took it off. I appreciated how beautiful she was for a moment and gave small kisses on her belly. "Do you want to? Uhm..." she just nodded. I grabbed my wand again and performed a quick protection spell. Pants and underware were thrown around the room as our bodies enjoyed eachother.


We were woken up by Mom who was screaming through the house about he food being ready. "Maybe... Just maybe we should get dressen love." Her head lifted from my chest. "Just maybe."

I threw a blanket towards her and she put it around her. She stood up and picked up her clothes. I walked up to the bathroom to look what was left from doing my hair a few hours ago. Not much. After I made sure my hair was alright. I came back into the room. Y/n was fully dressed again. I put my shirt back on and took her hand. "Can I ask you something?" I asked anxious.

"What is it Freddie?" I loved it when she called me that.
"Was I... was it... alright?" She let out a quick laugh and than smiled. "Freddie, it was better than alright. And I couldn't have imagined a better first time. How about you?" I was happy we could talk about these things calm and normal without it being really awkard. "You were amazing love." I gave her a peck on her cheek and took her downstairs.

"Molly this smells amazing!" Tonks said. Molly smiled.
"Thank you Nymphadora." Tonks sighed and than calmly asked her to call her Tonks. "Oh I'm sorry, Tonks."


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(Word count: 1344)
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