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First I ran towards hogwarts which I realised wasn't a good idea. I turned to my left and went the other way. I heard my dad come closer. I felt something scratching my torso and then everything went black.

Remus pov:
I woke up in the middle of the woods, I remember nothing from last night exept for dropping the potion, shifting into the beast I was.

Wait. Y/N! What have I done, i killed my daughter! No, no, no! She can't be dead!
I looked around and I didn't see Y/n anywhere. I started walking around in a panick. "Y/N! ARE YOU HERE?" I felt my animal instincts kick in. I smelled blood, alot of it.

"Y/N!" I saw my daughter on the ground. Everywhere was blood. I started bursting out in tears. I tried to listen if she still had a heartbeat, my the sound of me crying wasn't helping me with that.

Come on Remus, get it together. You need to save your daughter.
I felt a slow heartbeat in her neck. "Y/N! YOU'RE STILL ALIVE!"

I took her inside, to the hospital wing. It was not like anyone would be there at five in the morning. I laid her down. I heard footsteps behind me. "Remus? What happend." I heard a concerned voice say. "DUMBLEDORE! I NEED YOUR HELP! She... She stepped on a branch and I jumped. The flask... it dropped and broke and then... I shifted. She can't die Albus, I can't forgive myself if I killed her! I can't let her die!"

Albus went to wake up madam Pomfrey. He was sure we could trust her. We would say that we were on our way back to hogwarts and we ran into a werewolf. The wolf tried to attack me, but she jumped in front of me.


Y/n pov:
I woke up in my own bed. Am I dead? But this feels so real. I saw my dad in the corner of my room with his face in his hands. Was he crying? "D-dad."

"Y/n! You are awake! I'm so sorry, I will never forgive myself. I get it if you hate me!"

"D-dad, calm down. What happend?"

"You don't... remember?"

"No... dad... please tell me what is going on. Why does my torso hurt this bad?"

"Y/n... You stepped on a branch. And I jumped and dropped the flas. And i shifted and... I can't do this, I'm
sorry Y/n." My dad stood up and tried to get away from me. "Dad, please stay. I need you to tell me what happend."

"I attacked you... I am so sorry dear. I will never forgive myself."

"Dad... I forgive you. You weren't in controle. Is the wound deep?" My dad nodded. "If you want to you can take a look at it." I slowly tried to sit straight, but it hurt alot. I lifted my shirt a bit and took of the bandage that was wrapped around my torso.

I saw three deep clawmarks next to eachother. "Dumbledore and I told the other teachers that on our way back to hogwarts we ran into a werewolf. And that it tried to attack me but you distracted it and then it came for you. You should probably don't tell other students you were atacked by something. You can tell them you fell."

I was to tired to anwser. "Look Y/n, I understand if you want to tell Fred and George the truth about everything. About you, me, last night. They are your bestfriends, and they deserve the truth if you want to."

I wasn't sure if I could tell them just yet.
"I don't know dad, what if they get scared of me. Or cast me out." My dad gave me a tap on my shoulder.
"I am glad you forgave me, and again I am so sorry."

I tried to hug my dad but it hurts to much. The pain in my torso is too bad and I felt myself fainting again.

Remus pov:
She fainted again. It happend a few times in the past hours. I waited for her to wake up. Once she woke up I got
her to stand up so I could put new bandages on for the bleeding.

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