"You are lucky Freddie, you are perfect together. I expect an invite to the wedding." He winked and left.

"F-Freddie? Are you... still here? Will you stay?" For a moment I thought she was waking up. But she wasn't. Is she dreaming about me? "I'm here, I won't leave you Y/n." I kissed her head. This time she did wake up. "Hey Freddie."

"I'm hungry, what time is it." I looked at the black clock on her wall. "Almost dinner time, I could get some food and eat it here with you."

"Sound good Freddie but I want to see the others." I gave her a kiss. "Alright."

"We should go to the common room. I think George is getting bored." I laughed. She took my hand and dragged me downstairs.
"Where have you two been?" Ron aksed. "I think Freds hair gives it away." Harry anwserd.

"Shut it Potter. What you think happend, didn't happen. Now back off she is tired." Ron's eyes got big.
"Since when are you so protective?"
He asked me. "I'm not!"

"Yes you are!" Y/n's hand touched my cheek. "It's okay Fred. I'm fine. I got to catch up on my sleep for the last couple of hours." She kissed me. Harry looked a little hurt. "We should go." I quickly said.

I took her hand and dragged her out of the common room. We ended up under a tree close to the castle. We sat down. "Freddie? Can I ask you something?"

"Yes. What is it?"

"You asked me if I was ready to..." she paused.
"For you know... did you ever... uhm..."

"No never." I simply said. "Why did you ask?"

"Well I... I think I'm just insecure about myself in that... way." I quickly gave her a soft kiss. "Everything will be fine Y/n. Don't worry about it too much. There is one thing I can tell you. Kissing you is the best thing I get to do on a day."

I saw the relief in her eyes. "Were you scared it wasn't good?"


"It's okay, you can talk to me about this."

"It's just. I'm really insecure about it. I don't really know why." I pulled her into my chest. "Want to go eat?"

She nodded at me. "Let's go." On the way I noticed her putting her hand on her ear. "You okay?" She nodded. Weird.

During dinner she kept touching her jaw and canine teeth. "Y/n... are you sure you are okay?"

"I'm fine Fred! Stop being worried all the f#k*ing time!" Something is definetly wrong.

"Oh my- Fred. I'm sorry I don't know what happend. Im just-"

"Hey... hey... calm down. You're okay. I'm here with you." He looked at me with water pooling in her eyes. "I'm sorry I have to go." She stood up. "Where are you going?" She looked back. "My dad."

Remus pov:
"DAD! Are you in here!? Dad! Please help me. What is wrong with me!" I was in the office attached to my classroom. "Y/n? Is that you?" I looked around the corner and saw my daugter with tears in her eyes. "Oh dear... what happend?"

"I don't know! Dad I need your help!" She panicked even more.

"You have to explain what happend first."

"I don't really know. On my way to the Great Hall with Fred I suddenly heard really loud voices and after chewing on my food my jaw and canine teeth started to hurt. Am I... turning into..."

"No... no dear, not yet. Your senses are starting to develope. Your canine teeth will get sharper, your smell and hearing will be better. Maybe your taste."

"Why now? I have until I turn sixteen!"
I pulled my daughter into a tight hug. "Don't worry. Like you said, you have until you are sixteen." She let me go and nodded. "I don't know if this is another side effect but... I just snapped to Fred. He was worried for some reason and I just..."

"Shhh. You can make up for that later. And anger will be an emotion that will get to the surface more often. But just like your Metamorphmagus abilities you will get them under control."

"Thank you dad."


Y/n's pov:
"I'm sorry for how I reacted. I was... dad said it is a werewolf thing. Something about developing anger issues. But I will get them under control."

"Y/N! THERE YOU ARE!" That voice I reconise. Elijah. "Hey Elijah. What do you want."

"I wanted to give you this. A friend of mine gave me these but I'm not a big fan of chocolate."

"Uhm... thank you?" He didnt say another word and just ran away.

"Did he just?" George said. "I don't even... no comment."

"Well? Are you going to taste them?" George asked. Fred stayed quiet.

"No way! Why should I?"

"Don't know. Maybe their good."

"Okay fine! After dinner maybe."

🅃🄸🄼🄴 🅂🄺🄸🄿 (same day, 8pm)

"Y/n! Come here for a second." I walked up to George. "Any ideas for the prank yet?" I asked him. "Yes actually. I once made a clear block of soap that will turn you blue for a few hours!"

"That is genius George! How will we get it to Fred?"

"I can put it in front of our dorm, and I will warm Lee."

"Good idea!"

After walked back to Harry and Ron. "So have you guys heard about the party next saturday? Dumbledore and my dad thought it was an good idea to loosen everybody up with the whole Sirius Black thing."

"Didn't know." Ron said.

"Can you take a date?" I felt a kiss on my cheek. "Hey Freddie, if you want to. Who do you want to ask?"

"You! You silly." He said. I smirked at him. "Y/n! Stop messing with me!"

"Never Fred. Never!" Ron and Harry laughed at us. "So did you taste the chocolates?" I shook my head. "Not yet. Let me grab one." I went up to my dorm and ate one of the chocolates. Eww. I ran back downstairs. "You didn't took a few for us?" Ron asked.

"Don't worry, they are gross." I smiled. "I need to go, see you later."

Fred pov:
"Y/n wait! Where are you going!" And she was gone. I stood up and followed her. I ran around a corner. "Y/n!? Why did you-"

"Y/n? Elijah?" I ran away. My worst nightmare just came true. Y/n and Elijah. How could she. A few hours ago she laid in my arms telling me how happy she was- Amortenia... the chocolates! I ran back inside the common room. The water was pooling in my eyes.
"George... she... she kissed him George. She kissed Elijah." Everyone looked shocked or angry

"They are dead!" He snapped. "No George you don't understand! The chocolates!"

"Merlins beard! There was Amortenia in the chocolates!" I nodded heavily at George.
"How will we... fix it George..." I asked him.

"Dumbledore will know what to do."
I nodded and we ran to Dumbledore his office. "Sherbert Lemmon."


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(Word count: 1205)
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