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"No, not at all. I have been awake for a while too." She let me in and we sat down on her bed. We talked for a while. "Wanna steal some food from the kitchen before breakfast? I'm hungry." A big smile showed up on her face. "Yes! But let me take a quick shower first."

"You do your thing! I will hop under my shower too. See you downstairs?" She nodded and we went our separate ways.

I came downstairs walked around. I had to much energy to sit down. "Freddie? Is everything okay?" Y/n tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and locked eyes for a second. "Yes, just a lot of energy." She pulled me into a thight hug. "Today is my first day without stitches and the potions from Madam Pomfrey so I have to be carefull."

"I will take care of you, that's a promise." She let go of me and grabbed my hand. "Now lets get some food." We ran through the corridors. We opened the door the the kitchen softly.
"Hi!" A few house elves said in exitement. "What can we do for you?" One of the elves asked. "Just some breakfast, we could use some."

"Yes! Ofcourse! Players need to eat before match!" Another elf said.

"Fred! You didn't tell me you had a game today!"

"It is not that big of a deal, it doesn't count for housepoints. It is just a practice match against Ravenclaw. Didn't Elijah mention it? Or asked if you would wear his jersey?"

"No! And even if he did. I promised last time I would wear yours again." She rememberd. "Great! I will bring it to you after we eat."

"Breakfast! Here you go!"

"Thanks guys, we appreciate it." Y/n said. We took the food somewhere else and sat against a wall. "Y/n, can I ask you something." She looked at me with confusion. "Of course Freddie. What is it?" I took a breath. "Do you think you and Elijah will get more serious?"

"I don't really know. I mean he is really nice and he sure does look good. But I don't think it will work out. He is so confident about himself which is good but it can get annoying. And I'm more of a quiet and awkard person. Why?"

"Oh just... nothing. Just curious." She laid her head against my shoulder. "You're worried again, aren't you?"

"Y-yes, that is totally it..." I replied. Which it wasn't. "So how about that girl you were interested in a few days ago?"

"Well I still really like her. I just... she doesn't feel the same way. She is... I don't know. Way out of my league." Her head moved away from my shoulder. I looked her way and she cupped my face between her hands. "Fred, just... ask her out. Maybe she will say yes." I lifted my shoulders. "Okay what if you could practice on me."

"A-Are you sure?" Her hands moved away from my face.
"Yes, of course. Anything for you."


"Yes, anything."

"Then, will you go on a date with me?"

"Smooth Fred! See, you don't need my help. Now go and ask her!"

"I just did..." I said whispering. What did I do. What if she doesn't like me back. Did I just ruin our friendship? What if she will never talk to me.

"F-Fred?" I still looked into her eyes. "Are you serious?" I nodded. "One hundred percent."

"I didn't think you would-"

"Of course I would Y/n. I'm a very outgoing person with a lot of energy. And every time I'm around you I just shut down. Because I don't want you to think I'm weird or childish. And when I got to know you I just... I really like you Y/n."

"Fred I don't know what to say."

"Just tell me what you think, what you feel." She nodded. "Freddie, if I'm honest I think I've liked you for a while. But then you said you were interested in someone and I thought it was someone way better than me. And I really tried to move one and come to terms with fact you were interested in someone else. But... sorry I don't know what else to say."

"Than say nothing. Just sit here with me untill my game."

We talked for a while. Y/n likes me back. Damn I was so lucky. "So, when will we go on a date then?" She asked me. "What about tomorrow after practice?"

"But what about your homework?"

"I would finish it all today if it meant I could go an a date with you
tomorrow Y/n." She smiled. "You should go prepare for your game." I stood up and helped her get up too. "See you at the practice game Fred." She gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and walked away.
I had a chance.

I met up with George in our dorm, changing into quidditch clothes. "George, I need to tell you something."

George stopped with what he was doing and looked at me. "What is it? Are you okay? You sound sad or someting." I started to explain what happend.

"This morning when I woke up, I went to Y/n dorm. We talked for a while and than decides to grab some food from the kitchen. We took the food to a hallway. I asked her about her an Elijah and she told me she didn't see herself with him because of his personality and other reasons. Then she asked me about 'the girl' I was talking about last week and I said I didn't think she was interested in me. And than she gave me a big pep talk about being bold and just asking her out."

"DID YOU ASK HER OUT?" I started smiling. "You didn't let me finish George."
"Sorry, go on."

"She said I could practise on her so I was like "Will you maybe go on a date with me." And she began talking about me needing to get up and ask 'the girl' out.
And than I may have said "I just did."

"Oy! Fred. What did she say!"

Well first I told her how I felt about her and how she effects me and makes me feel. And than she confessed her feelings to me."

George didn't say anything. He just looked at me with a happy smirk. "You will get your girl Freddie. You will!"

"I really hope so. But I need your help with arrangements for our date."

"Yes, ofcourse Fred. When it is?"


"Great! We will find something. But first the practice game! If we win this we can scare the other teams" I instantly rememberd I promised Y/n to give her my jersey. "I need to go, see you on the field?" George nodded.


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Sooo, they finally confessed their feelings. Sorry if this chapter is a bit messy but I will rewrite it tomorrow or the day after that!

(Word count: 1193)
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