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"Y/n dear, go upstairs. First door on you left. Remus, Tonks follow me." I went uo the stairs and opened the first door on my right. "Hello?" Hermione pulled me into a hug, after that Ron and Harry came to welcome me with a hug. I sat down and suddenly felt hand all over my shoulders. "Hey!" The twins said with a lot of happiness in their voices.

"I missed you love." Fred spoke after giving me a kiss. "I missed you too Freddie." I gave him another kiss.

"I'm afraid this is our que to leave." George joked. The trio and George went downstairs.

"Dinner!" My dad called from downstairs. Fred took my hand and dragged me down the stairs. "Fred I can walk on my own."

"I won't let you!" He smiled and picked me up. He carried me into the room and Sirius gave him a deadly stare. I don't think my godfather likes my the fact that I have a boyfriend that much. Or maybe he was just worried. "When will the next meeting be Remu-" Arthur stopped his sentence when he saw all the children sitting in the room he just walked into.
"What are you talking about Mr Weasley?" Harry asked
"Sorry kids. Not for your ears." Arthur answerd.

"Dad? Is this about 'the Order' you told me about? The one you were a part of in the first war?" My dad's face went pale. "Dad?" He didn't answer. "Dad I want to join." My dad shook his head.

"No way Y/n!" He snapped. "I want to help dad! Just let me join!"

"Only people of age can join Y/n."

"My birthday is in three days dad!" The room went quiet. "Your birthday is in three days? Why didn't you tell us?" Hermione asked.

"I don't like to celebrate it. It is not that big of a deal." I responded to the question.

"We are not discussing this any furder Y/n. End of discussion."

"I want to join too!" Harry said. "If you are ready to help Harry." Sirius answerd. "Why is Harry allowed to join and I'm not! That is just not fair!"

"That is on Sirius. You are my child." My dad said a bit more calm them before.
"We want to join too dad." The twins said to Arthur. "Absolutely not!" Molly snapped. "You are just kids!"

"But mo-"

"No!" Molly snapped again. She boys stayed quiet. "Harry, are you ready for you hearing tomorrow?"

"Hearing? What hearing? Did something happen?" I asked Sirius.

"Harry conjured a patronus in front of a muggle, his nephew. The Minestry things it was on purpose. But Harry and his cousin were under a dementor attack." Sirius answerd. I didn't know what to answer.

"And the Minestry doesn't believe it?"

"No, they don't. But Dumbledore said there was a witness. Harry will be okay." Harry nodded. "But dad? Why can't I join?" I asked him scared of what his reaction would be. "Because I don't want to lose someone else Y/n!" Tonks rubber her hand over his back. He seemed to relax but water started to gather in his eyes. "I'm gonna go upstairs." I said slightly annoyed. I understand that my dad is so protective but I'm not five anymore. I can hande things myself.

"I'll check on her." I heard Fred say. Footsteps followed me into the bedroom. "Do you want to talk about it love?" I shook my head. "Maybe I can take you mind of things instead." Fred said while looking at me with a smirk. "Maybe... you won't know until you try it Freddie." I teased him. Before I knew his lips touched mine and my hand reached for his neck.


Today is my birthday, I'm seventeen and finally allowed to use magic ouside of school. I woke up sick yesterday and threw up. This morning I felt a bit better but still had to throw up. Tonks suggested taking me to St Mungo's but I refused. I wasn't dying or anything. I will be fine.

"Happy birthday love." I voice spoke from behind me. "Does the birthdaygirl want a birthday kiss?" Fred asked while breathing in my neck. I turned around.
"With pleasure." Just when I leaned in he ran away. "Come and get it!" I went after him and bumped into Snape.
What is he doing here? Is he a part of the order?

I passed Snape and went after Fred. I walked into the room he shared with George. "Freddieee!" Hands grabbed me from behind and his mouth kissed my cheek. "Fine." He turned me around and kissed me. It went of for a while and my back was pushed against the wall.

"Get a room guys!" George gagged and sat down on his bed. Fred let go of me and George stood up to hug me. "Happy birthday Y/n."

"Y/n, your hair. It is yellow again.
I laughed. "I'm just happy."

"Yeah your hair gives it away love." Fred joked.

[I'm sorry the chapter is a bit short but I'm losing inspiration. I think it is best if I will just write things when something comes up in my mind. So (for a small amount of time) I will be a little less active then normally.]


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(Word count: 897)
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