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Y/n! They are here!" I rushed down the stairs. "Fred! George!" I ran to them and was pulled into a group hug.
"Happy birthday Love."
"Happy birthday Y/n. Now I will go so you can have your... alone time." George said.

Fred smirked at his comment and grabbed my hand. "Why don't you give your oh so handsome boyfriend a tour."
I grabbed his hand and took him upstairs. "This is my room." He looked around. "Why is this just like I imagined it to be?" He said smiling. "Now give me a kiss to remember today."


"Travel save Freddie." I kissed him on his cheek and they left. "Did you have a good time with Fred en George?" I nodded. I heard a weird sound coming from the hallway. I looked at the door and saw a red envelope fall onto the ground. "D-dad?..." My dad jogged passed me. "What is it dea- Merlins beard... Tonks!"

Tonks came rushing to the door. "Remus, what do we do now?" My dad looked at me. "We will send a letter to Dumbledore about the situation, Y/n will go back to hogwarts after summerbreak. He won't expect her to go back there."

"Who dad? Who are you talking about!" I shouted, their faces went straight to me. "I'm sorry I snapped I just don't get what is going on!"


Dumbledore gave us a tip for an location for my first shift. I couldn't stay in the same room as dad, we would tear eachother apart.
"Okay, you will take the wolfsbane potion. I will be locked in the living room of the house, you can have the basement to make sure nothing will happen."

"I'm scared dad... does it hurt bad?" He locked me into his arms. "The first time is always the worst dear. But I will be in the room above you. After tonight it wil get easier with every shift."

My dad left the room and Tonks handed me the potion. "Drink sunflower, I will be outside."

I felt anger rising to my head. There was pain everywhere. In my jaw, my canine teeth, in my legs and arms. It felt like I was going to explode any second.
I quickly swallowed the potion and felt sleepy, I fell on the ground and felt my bones breaking. I tried to scream the pain away. After a few minutes I was in my full wolf from and lost my consiousness. I felt nothing.

I woke up fully naked, my clothes were ripped into pieces when I shifted. A black blanket laid in the corner of the room, I wapped it aroun me. A small line of sunlight started to appear on the floor and I saw Tonks standing at the entrance. "Are you okay sunflower? You did amazing." It didn't feel like that. I still felt pain everywhere. "Fine."

"I have clothes for you right hear. Your dad and I will be upstairs when you are ready." She pushed a bag towards me and left. I started to look around, I had taken my potion but the room was still a little torn apart. I started to cry while putting on my clothes.
I hate it. I hate me. Every month I would have to shift into the monster
I am.

I was still crying when I came upstairs. "Ohh Y/n... Come here darling." My dad hugged me.
"I hate it dad, I hate myself. I dont want this." I started to panick.

"Shhh... calm down dear. You're okay. Let's go home."

When we got home I saw a stain of blood on my leg. "Dad? Can you come here for a second?" My dad rushed his way to my room. "I think I scratched my leg on something." He looked shocked.  "Y/n, that is a clawmark. You did that to yourself." I was shocked. Did I hate myself that much?

🅃🄸🄼🄴 🅂🄺🄸🄿 (weekend before school starts)

(At the burrow)
"The Tournament was GREAT! Althought that dark mark in the air was  frightning." George spoke. Fred stood behind me with his arms around me.

"You wouldn't have want to be there. There was fire everywhere. And I get that you father didn't want you to go because of that mistery person." Fred said.
"He is not so 'mistery' to my dad."

"What do you mean? Does your father know who it is?" He let go of me and looked into my eyes.

"I thinks he does, he kept
saying 'It's him' to Tonks. But he won't tell me who is it."

"Y/n... h-how was the... I'm sorry I won't ask." George tried to ask.

"The shift?" He nodded slowly. "Awfull, I hate it. I lifted my jeans a bit and showed them the small cut. "Apparantly my wolf self hates it too. Fred I need to talk to you..."

He took my hand and we went upstairs. "What is it?" I didn't want to but I had to. "Fred I... I can't do this okay. I can't risk ever hurting you. I just can't."

"Y/n? Please tell you're not breaking up with me..." I saw the water pooling in his eyes. "Fred I'm-"

"No you know what. Screw you! You can't just push everyone away when things get hard!" He ran to another room. I saw George go into the same room as Fred. I started to cry. I knew it was for his own savety, but it still hurts.

After a while George got into the room. "Y/n?" I ignored him and he sat down besides me. "He is just hurt. He didn't mean what he said."

"Yea sure."

"Y/n I'm serious. He loves you. And when you arrived here you said you loves him too. If you love him, then why did you break up with him?" I looked at George.

"You really don't see it do you! I am trying to keep you all save! You don't know what I look like every time I shift! I could tear off someones arms without even trying! I can't hurt him! He can't be that close to me!"

"Look I get that you want to keep him save, but you need to thing about this. Since you walked into our house I have only seen you smile around Fred. He makes you happy, and you make him happy too."

"Of course he makes me happy. But..." George stood up. "No nothing. There is no 'but'. All I know is that when you get over yourself and realise what you have done you can talk to me again." He left.

I apparated outside and took a walk through high fields. I stepped into mud.
"Are you serious!" Just when I started to walk again I heard someone walk behind me. "I am really serious Y/n." I turned around. "W-who are you."

"I'm Fenrir Greyback." I realised what just happend. "The letters... they al ended with an F. That was you! What do you want with me and my dad?"

"Your dad? Oh no honey, just you."

"Why me? I'm nothing! Just leave me alone!"

"You are nothing? So you are not half Werewolf and half Metamorphmagus?" I felt goosebumps all over my arms and legs. "How... do you-"

"How do I know? I have been keeping an eye in you Y/n. How was your shift at that cottage Dumbledore sent you to? Oh yeah I know... I shifted in the woods around it." My wand was still pointer at him.

"Why don't we lower our wand huh?" I shook my head. "Dream on Fenrir."

"Expeliarmus!" My wand flew through the air. "You are coming with me honey." He grabbed my arm and we apparated to an cold house.


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(Word count: 1318)
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