Figure it Out

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After Sam, Dean and Cas had finished examining the crime scene they had decided to call it a day. They had said their farewells to the headmaster and had hurriedly left the over the top preppy school for women to head back to their shitty little motel.

“Figures that there would be a damn witch coven at an all chick school…” Dean grumbled moodily as he sat behind the wheel of baby and guided her back home.

“Yeah, I mean, what are the odds of us running in to two covens of witches one after another.” Sam said as he thought.

Dean shook his head and looked at his brother with pursed lips. “Sammy, by now me and you should know that there are no coincidences in our life. These bitches are like ‘apprentices’ of those other witches I smoked.”

Sam sighed and said, “I was seriously hoping that wouldn’t be the case, but I looked at the patterns for each attack earlier.”

“And?” Dean pressed gloomily as darkened trees flew by outside.

“And it seems like this new coven killed someone roughly around the same time frame as that last coven did.” Sam rubbed his forehead tiredly, “I think you were right. They were showing these girls how to kill with their hoodoo…”

“Great.” Dean said sharply. “Just fan-fuckin’-tastic. This is just what I needed. More God Damn witches…”

“They still could be beneficial to us though.” Cas suddenly spoke up from the backseat.

“How?” Dean asked grumpily. His good mood from earlier had been killed by the fact that he figured out that this was the same coven that made him a chick in the first place.

“Well, like Sam mentioned earlier, they might know how to reverse this curse on you for one.” Cas said quietly. “If we capture one of the girls, we just simply are left with the task of making her talk, which shouldn’t be too hard.”

“I sure fuckin’ hope it works.” Dean said forlornly. He hoped that this could be his ticket back to manhood, because he was miserable as a chick at this point. He was already looking forward to taking his anger about this out on this new batch of mini magic hoodoo scumbags.

“First of all, we have to find out who the hell they are and what their pattern is... Since the leaders of the coven are gone, these girls seem to be just killing pretty randomly. Maybe they don’t even have a pattern." Sam said as he looked over all the case files in the seat beside him.

"Sammy, there's always pattern with this stuff." Dean scoffed as the pulled back into the motel.

"Not always Dean. Sometimes the killings are completely random." Sam objected.

"Dude, we're dealing with witches. When is their pattern ever random?"

Sam fell quiet, not wanted to admit Dean's point. Witches didn’t usually stray from their paths, especially new witches.

As they all climbed from the Impala a sudden thought surfaced in Dean's mind that made him laugh though it wasn’t really related to the case itself.

"What?" Sam asked as both him and Cas looked towards Dean.

"I just remembered the headmaster doesn't like you Sammy." Dean chuckled. "She asked me if I could have you replaced with another chick agent."

Dean opened the door to his and Castiel's motel room and walked in, holding the door for the others as they followed after him.

"Wait… she doesn't like me? Did she say anything about Cas?" Sam asked in shock.

"Nah, she didn't say anything about him. I think she might have a thing for Cas..." Dean grumbled unhappily.

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