You're Gonna Make Yourself Sick

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As they headed back towards the motel, Dean kept his eyes peeled for somewhere good to stop off for food. He had made a few suggestions along the way, but Sam said he wasn't really in the mood for fast food today. Finally, when Dean saw the sign for an I-hop nearby, he vehemently insisted they should eat there. Thankfully, Sam agreed with suggestion and began driving towards the restaurant. Meanwhile, Cas said that he had no opinion on the matter, reminding the Winchester that angels didn't need to consume food.

As soon as they walked in the door, Dean inhaled deeply, smiling as the hot, sweet aroma of bacon, eggs, and pancakes washed over him. By far, this was the best thing he had smelled all damn day. After they had taken to their seats –a booth by the emergency exit, just in case– Dean picked up a menu and scanned his choices hungrily.

Sam, who was sitting across from Dean, also picked up his menu while Cas, who was sitting on Dean's right, kept an eye on everyone in the restaurant.

Beside him, Cas remained tense and cautious watching everyone with a skeptical eye. Dean gave Cas a little nudge to catch his attention. "Relax a little man," Dean said with a loose smile.

Cas grimaced slightly and said, "I am relaxed Dean."

Dean snorted and rolled his eyes in amusement, "Oh yeah Cas, you don't look uptight at all."

Cas narrowed his eyes at Dean, frustration creasing his angelic features. Dean was just tired of Castiel's grumpiness and really wasn't in the mood to deal with it. There were just too many other things on his mind at the moment. Cas could be so melodramatic when he wanted to be. Dean was sure that he would never understand the deeper functions of Castiel's brain. Honestly, he had stopped trying to figure the guy out years ago. Cas pretty much did whatever he wanted to these days.

As Dean tried to decide between a hamburger and an eight stack of chocolate chip pancakes, he became aware Castiel's leg pressing into him. Dean could have sworn that Castiel had been sitting a respectable distance away from him only a few seconds ago. Now, that wasn't the case. Somehow Cas had managed to scoot closer to Dean without being noticed. Dean could feel the heat radiating off of Castiel's body through his new jeans.

He felt his heart rate start to increase at the contact and for a brief moment, Dean considered telling Cas to move over. However, decided against it, not really wanted to get into an argument about something so stupid. Castiel never really had seemed to understand the concept of personal space.

When the waiter approached, Dean quickly forgot about the lack of space between him and Cas. Quickly, Dean analyzed the guy, looking him up and down on instinct to ensure that he didn't appear to be a demon or anything. Mentally, he noted that the kid was actually rather attractive. There was no sexual intent behind Dean's thoughts, just the mere appreciation of an attractive person.

Dean could see that this was one of those guys who broke all the girls' hearts. He was a flirtatious guy who enjoyed teasing and stringing women along. Dean could read the kid like a book, recognizing many of his own traits in this kid just by sight alone. Judging by the cocky smile, he was sending their way this kid was very self-confident, well aware of just how many heads he turned. This kid liked the attention. His eyes locked with Dean's and his smile grew even wider. Dean knew the look well; this had to be the kid's trademark smile that got all the women into his bed.

It was the same look that Dean gave to the women he picked up in bars.

"Hi I'm Anthony; I will be your waiter today," the man said, introducing himself. His voice was smooth and sultry, purposely low and seductive, his eyes locked on Dean as he spoke. Anthony's eyes were a warm chocolaty brown, soft and sweet like Sam's but with a crackle of youth and arrogance glinting at the corners. "Are you three ready to order?"

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