Death and Mayhem

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Painfully bright flashing red and blue lights glinted off the hood of the Impala as her tires rumbled across the hot midday asphalt and into the college parking lot. There were police officers and EMTs bustling around the place in almost a dazed state.

It was clear to everyone in the Impala that no one out there knew what the hell they were doing nor did they have any idea about what was going on. Dean had hoped that maybe, just maybe they would find someone who had at least a little knowledge to offer them but judging by the looks of the scene in front of them there would be no such chance.

"Looks like we're missing a good party." Dean commented bitterly as he parked the Impala nearby and tucked his gun into the back of his pants before doubled checking his pockets for his fake FBI badge.

"This ought to be fun." Sam grumbled, "Cops usually aren't all that fond of us, especially when they think we're the FBI."

"Ah, but you two are chicks now to all you need to do is shake your asses in their direction and let their minds wander a little bit with the cleavage." Gabriel teased. It was clear that he wasn't taking any of this seriously.

"Gabriel." Sam snapped. "You do realize that this isn't a game right?"

Gabriel rolled his eye and said, "Well of course I do, but I think you need to play some games every now and then. You seem kinda tense. I could help you with that if you-"

"Let's go." Sam snarled angrily cutting off the archangel's sentence as Sam flung open the door and stepped out.

As soon as Sam had exited the car, he quickly slammed the door shut hard. Then they watched as he stood there with his back to the car and his arms crossed in frustration.

"HEY!" Dean exclaimed worried about the state of his car. "Be careful with her!" It was clear that Sam couldn't hear what Dean had said, he wasn't even looking at that car at the moment. Dean would be pissed if Sam had just bent the door hinges because of his temper tantrum.

"Gabriel, I think you might be coming on a little strong their buddy." Dean grumbled as he pushed open his door. "It's starting to lead to car abuse."

It was clear that Gabriel hadn't heard a single word that Dean had just said because while Cas climbed from the car Dean heard the arch angel murmur, "Damn I sure did give that kid a nice ass."

Dean gave up and just rolled his eyes as shut his door. Then he turned to scold his brother on how to 'Properly take care of the Impala because she was a lady and not just any old machine, so she needs to be treated with respect Sam!'

Then, together the four of them walked over to the growing crowd of people as they bickered lightly about how the Impala needs to be treated. They continued to move forward until they were all stopped by a rather young officer.

"I'm sorry, you guys this is a crime scene and I can't allow you to come any further." he said while letting his eyes rake up and down first Sam's body and then Dean's. Dean couldn't help but notice how the cops eyes lingered on his chest just a little bit too long before he actually looked up at his face.

Strangely, Dean almost felt violated and embarrassed in a sense, or had at least felt a strong urge to punch the man in the face when the cop's eyes had scanned his body. It had never been like that when he was a guy. In his old body he would welcome the attention he received from women (and men from time to time not that he would have ever admitted that to anyone)

After a few seconds, Dean clenched his jaw slightly as annoyance flooded through his veins. He already knew what type of guy this cop was. This guy was the kind of guy who just liked women for their looks. He was young, stupid and horny just looking for a one night hookup or a quick sloppy blow job in a sketchy alleyway. Dean couldn't help but feel a slight nagging twinge of guilt in his stomach. There were so many women that he had looked at in this same exact way. I was one of those guys. Wait... I am one of those guys.

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