Tricks and Illusions

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When Dean opened his eye he smelled the sweet aroma of pancakes in the air. As he sat up he saw that Castiel was in the small motel kitchen cooking up a storm.

With a wide smile Dean threw back the blankets and stepped gingerly onto the cold floor. He beamed as he walked up behind the distracted angel and curled his arms around his waist in a tight embrace.

“Hey Cas.” Dean whispered into the warm shirt that Castiel was wearing.

Cas jumped a little in surprise, but turned in Dean’s arms so he could give him a proper hug.

“Did you sleep well Dean?” Cas asked as he placed a kiss on top of the hunters long dark blond hair.

“Hell yeah I did. My feet hurt like a bitch though.” Dean grumbled with a gentle laugh. “Fucking high heels are vicious man. I’ll sure as hell be wearing some God Damn boots today!”

Cas smirked and asked, “Would you like some breakfast Dean?”

“You know the way to a man’s heart Cas.” Dean said with a wink. “I’ll be right back, let me just go brush out this damn mess.” He said as he indicated to his tangled hair.

Cas chuckled and kissed Dean’s head once more. “I think you look amazing Dean.”

Dean felt his face flush red in embarrassment and happiness. He shouldn’t be blushing right now. He should be a man! Strong and tough with no chick flick moments, but he had to admit this soft gentle, domestic morning was doing him some good. It felt kinda nice to just chill with his angel, be a little flustered and enjoy a nice breakfast with the man of his dreams.

He thought about it for a moment.  This was defiantly the happiest Dean had been since this whole which thing started. He had the possibility of being a dude again in the near future; Cas was still with him, and well… it just felt like a good day.

Dean looked in the mirror over the bathroom sink, which still felt too high considering how much he had shrunk when he changed. What he saw was a simple mess of dark blonde hair that was going to be a pain to make lay flat.  Since he didn’t actually remember to buy a brush of any sort, he had to comb his fingers through his hair to get the bigger knots out of his hair.

He smirked at the feminine features of his face as he worked carefully so he didn’t pull his hair too hard. It was still strange seeing himself like this. He really missed his old reflection. Dean usually hated seeing his reflection in mirrors, because he hated looking at himself and seeing how broken he really was, but one never really thought about what it would be like if suddenly the face you had always known just simply changed. That had never been something that crossed the hunters mind. He still saw the broken mask that he always wore, but it had been altered and morphed into someone he barely recognized. It was kind of unnerving to see someone who wasn’t you doing the same thing as you, even though only his outside appearance had changed. Dean knew that this was something you could never really get used to. Maybe if he was lucky he wouldn’t have to get used to it. Maybe by the weeks end he would be back to himself again for good.


Castiel was just scooping the last of the pancakes onto a plate when Dean came rushing out of the bathroom with a wide smile across his face.

“Cas!” Dean gasped in excitement. “Guess what!”

Cas tilted his head in confusion and gave Dean a small smile as he asked, “Yes Dean?”

“It’s gone!” The hunter exclaimed as he spun is a joyful circle. “It’s finally gone!”

“What’s gone?” Castiel questioned curiously as he watched Dean prance about happily.

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