On the Highway to Hell

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A/N: Wow, well it's been over six months since my last update and for that I apologize. I know I left y'all on a huge cliffhanger for far too long. I have had some serious writers block with this story and needed to take a bit of a break from writing all together so I could refocus and start again. I am glad to say that I am back now and happy to be writing again! I can't promise that I'll be able to update all the time, but I can tell you that I will try my best to be better about posting future updates. I wanna give a huge thanks to those of you who are still reading this story, leaving comments, and anxiously awaiting new chapters. I am completely shocked and humbled by all of y'all's kindness. I've seen that some of you have nominated me as a candidate in writing competitions on wattpad, I've had some of you tell me that you've made fan art based off my story, I've had people tell me that I've inspired them to start writing stories of their own. You guys just honestly blow me away. I've always wanted to write stories that people fell in love with and inspired creativity in others. So thank you. Just thank you all, so very much. I've written hundreds upon thousands of words and yet, I still find myself incompletely incapable of stringing together the proper words to express just how grateful I am for the endless support and encouragement you guy give me. Thank you all, I love you guys! <3

-And for the record, I fully intend on finishing this story (eventually). This is not the final chapter and I will not leave this work unfinished (even if it may take a while to actually post updates)-

-All mistakes are my own and if you find any errors in the chapter feel free to point them out (respectfully) and I will gladly fix them!

Cas and Gabriel stood outside in silence, a large ominous metal gate looming before them. Fog swirled behind the gates, obscuring the path beyond and making it impossible to see what was lying ahead. Both angels could feel the darkness lurking behind those gates, whispering for them to go away unless they wanted to be ripped apart piece by piece. Their wings quivered with fear and unease. Their acutely trained ears picked up the low, yet unmistakable rumbling growls of hellhounds lurking in the dark. Cas and Gabriel had quite literally found the gates to hell.

They could feel the dark feeding on their celestial power trying to pull the very life-force from their bodies and eat away at their hope. The negative energy clung to the tendrils of their swirling grace, pulled at their ruffled wings and tried to drag them into the eternal pits of hell.

It had been years since Castiel's first visit to hell. Lucifer had still been the supreme leader of hell back then. Yes, Lucifer had been locked away in the cage; but its bars had been weakened to allow his silver tongued whispering to echo throughout his wicked domain. Since Sam and Dean had locked Lucifer and Michael away, the cage bars had been strengthened and the crack in the walls had been repaired. Lucifer was no longer a creature that demons fears, instead they were lost without a leader, which had lead Crowley to take control of the reigns. Cas was not looking forwards to revisiting hell's ghastly territory.

The silence between them was broken by Gabriel as he said, "So two angels walk into hell to save a righteous man." He chuckled bitterly and adds, "That, sounds like a bad hook to an even worse punchline."

"Yeah, well hopefully this joke has a better punchline then you think," Cas replied solemnly. Then in a softer voice he adds, "Are you ready brother?"

Gabriel looked as unnerved as Cas felt, but he nodded nonetheless. "It's now or never," he breathed darkly.

Cas sucked in a deep lung full of the dark sticky air around them and stepped forward. His grace extended from his body and pushed at the gnarled, twisted wrought iron gates in front of them. They swung open with a wailing groan that sounded like the tortured screams of restless souls. Cas cringed at the sound as it echoed through the swirling smog within the gates.

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