The Eleventh Hour

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*A/N* So I have finally returned y'all! After what seems like forever, I have finally managed to finish up the final chapter (along with a small bonus chapter that I originally didn't plan on writing) so I could finally wrap up this story! I apologize for such an agonizingly long wait, but I hope you all enjoy! Also, in advance, please forgive me for all the spelling/grammar issues I know are riddled throughout this chapter. I had a really hard time trying to go back through and proofread everything. Feel free to point out any issues you come across throughout the reading!!

Now, without further ado, please enjoy the second to last chapter (The last chapter will be posted shortly after this).


Shapes began to appear around them seemingly out of thin air. The sounds of beating wings filled the clearing with a flurry of wind. In Dean's head he could hear the angel's Enochian screeching, but this time, it was mixed with actual intelligible words. However, the words that Dean heard weren't from the English language, yet he still understood them perfectly. Dean assumed that this was all part of Gabriel and Castiel's protection wards, however, Sam moved abruptly to cover his ears.

Sam's face was scrunched up in pain, knuckles turning white from the amount of pressure he was using to cover his own ears. In the baby sling, Lilly Grace began to fidget too; making distressed sounds and scrunching her face up, on the verge of tears. Dean covered her ears with his own hands, wincing against the pain in his own head as he tried his best to soothe her. The last thing they needed right now was for Lilly Grace to start crying and derail everything they had worked so hard to plan. They needed more time.

Dean's stomach was in knots as he tried to keep his daughter happy and calm. The tension in the air around them was thick enough to cut clean through with a knife.

Angels began materializing around them faster than Dean's eyes could fully comprehend. If he so much as blinked, he would have missed the appearance of each angel. There had to be at least two dozen of the winged bastards circling around their tiny group.

Dean could feel his anxiety spike as a feeling of dread and claustrophobia settled in his chest. He held Lilly Grace a little closer as if that would shield her from the opposing might of the angels around them.

"Gabriel, Castiel, by the power and the might of heavens might, we are demanding you to hand over that abomination without a struggle." A tall slender angel stepped forward with dark brown hair that was pulled back into a flawless bun as she spoke. Dean curled his lip in disgust as he recognized the angel. The woman was none other than Naomi, the same angel who tricked and brainwashed Castiel and basically forced him to be her obedient mindless soldier.

"She's not an abomination!" Dean sneered. "She's a living breathing person."

"No, she's not, that child is nothing more than a disgusting stain a stain on our land. That child shouldn't exist and poses a threat to the entirety of the world. She possesses enough power to bring ultimate despair and destruction not only to earth but also to heaven and hell. We cannot possibly allow that's creature existence to continue."

"Oh, so you only care when your homeland is also threatened or when you're getting someone else to fight your battles, right?" Dean spat, his vision turning red, words fueled on by hatred. "How do you justify turning my brother and I against each other to fight your family war and while threatening all life on earth? Was that okay because your home turf wasn't on the line?"

"That has no relevance to the current situation," Naomi retorted. "We are the protectors of the earth and humankind. That battle was between Michael and Lucifer alone."

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