A Gay Ass Shopping Trip

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Dean shut the bathroom door harder than necessary. In frustration, he bent down and grabbed his discarded jeans and underwear.

As he got dressed, Dean became even more agitated. Of course, he knew that his clothes were going to be too big on him, but not only that, his clothes were too long too. His 6'1" stature had been reduced to about 5'10". Yeah, it wasn't too drastic of a height difference, but he had shrunk just enough for it to become a problem.

Dean ground his teeth together when he looped his belt through his pants and realized that the notches didn't go far enough down the leather. He wasn't too keen about poking news holes into his belt since this was pretty much one of the only nice clothing items he owned. Belts were a must when you were a hunter it helped ensure that your pants wouldn't slip down past your ass while hunting some creature of the night.

"Damn it," Dean huffed quietly. Then louder he called, "Hey, Sam, do you have a smaller belt?"

He wasn't sure why he was asking Sam, his clothing was just as big as Dean's, but maybe his brother would be able to come up with something.

Admittedly, Dean was rather surprised when Sam knocked at the bathroom and said, "Here Dean, this might work."

Gratefully, Dean cracked open the door and took the belt his brother offered. "Thanks, Sammy," Dean said with a relieved smile.

Once the door was shut again, Dean gave the belt a quick once over. It was rather thick made of soft, well-worn leather and had a nice weight in his hands. Thankfully, this belt had enough notches in it to fit comfortably around Dean's waist. As he pulled the belt through the loops, Dean began to wonder when his brother had bought this belt. The two of them lived in close enough quarters that Dean was pretty sure he knew about everything his brother owned. This belt, however, was completely unfamiliar. Dean couldn't recall ever seeing Sam with a black belt, yet it still seemed vaguely familiar.

After Dean was sure his pants weren't going to try falling down again, he knelt to cuff the bottom of his jeans. When he straightened, Dean gave himself a quick once-over in the mirror. He grimaced at the reflection looking back at him. Dean looked like a hot mess, but he didn't have any other options at the moment.

When Dean walked out of the bathroom to join the others, Sam snorted and looked like he was holding back laughter. "Jesus Dean, that looks awful," Sam told him honestly.

"Gee thanks, Sam, you sure know how to make a girl feel good about herself," Dean grumbled pulling at his clothes self-consciously.

"Sorry Dean, I had to say it," Sam said with a smirk

Dean just rolled his eyes, not in the mood to make his own snide comments. Instead, Dean asked, "So tell me, Sam, why do you have such a small belt?"

The corner of Sam's mouth quirked up as said, "S'not mine. It's Castiel's."

Dean's cheeks flushed slightly as he glanced towards the angel. Cas seemed entirely unperturbed by the situation, his face as blank and stony. However, just above the collar of the angel's white shirt, Dean swore that he could see the beginnings of a blush. He then let his eyes drop a little lower and saw the way that Castiel's pants now sagged without his belt. It could have been his imagination, but Dean was sure that he saw the front of Castiel's pants bulged a little bit. Dean tried not to think too much into that and tore his eyes away from Cas, hoping that he hadn't been caught staring at his friend's crotch.

Dean shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot, scratching absently at the back of his neck as he said, "Oh, right, that makes sense." Then, Dean held out his own unused belt to Cas as he added, "We uh, don't want your pants falling down either," Dean muttered.

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