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Dean awoke with a start, as he was hit with wave of vertigo and disorientation. He wasn't sure how long he had been out, but everything around him was moving slowly. He must have been sleeping pretty heavily because the way he felt now was almost like he'd been drugged.

Dean tried to push himself up and look around at his surroundings but he was shocked to find his arms bound in place over his head. How had he not realized that initially? He must have really been out of it if he didn't notice something like that. He was bound so tightly that he was completely immobilized. Dean realized quickly realized that at the moment, he wasn't going anywhere.

Suddenly, a flash of dark hair passed in front of his face making him hurriedly snap his eyes shut again. After a second, Dean opened his eyes a sliver so he could try and get a look around without anyone knowing that he was awake yet. He wanted to know what had just passed in front of him. When he was able to focus in the dark lighting of the room, Dean found three girls standing around him whispering softly. He prayed that they were still totally oblivious to the fact that he had woken up. Dean wanted to get a better feel for what was going on before he let on that he was conscious.

If Dean strained his ears, he could just barely make out what they were saying. The girls weren't standing too far away from him, but they were whispering almost too softly to hear.

"Are you sure?" One girl, a brunette, asked in a hushed voice.

"Yes, I'm positive. Why else would there be hunters here? Four of them now! And they just keep getting closer to us." The blonde girl snapped with fear in her voice.

"How can you be positive?" The dark haired girl asked with a small sneer in her voice.

"Maybe it's just an unfortunate coincidence." The brunette said, sounding like she was trying to convince herself more than anything else.

"No, this has to be him. Can you honestly believe that those guys were FBI? Remember what the high council told us, there are never coincidences like this when it comes to hunters and the supernatural occurrences in the world." The blonde said firmly. "Besides, you felt the power coming off of the raven hair one and the short one. They have to be something else."

Dean was still dazed and he was starting to have trouble making out any more of the conversation. He knew that they must be talking about Gabriel and Cas, but he was too confused to absorb what they were saying. In his mind, Dean still thought he was lying in bed beside Cas, while another part of knew he was in some damn witchy torture chamber. He was in some deep shit at the moment, but had no idea how the hell he was going to get out. Hell, he wasn't even sure how much time had passed since he had gone missing. The others might not even know yet!

"Do you think they'll leave if we change him back?" The brunette asked softly.

"Fuck no." The dark haired girl said sharply. "It's bad enough that we have that queer daughter of a hunter here on campus but now we have these clowns. Apparently killing that girls little girlfriend wasn't very effective. Beside unlike her, these guys are professional hunters. They don't let people like us live when they find out what we can do."

"To be honest they've probably already noticed that he's gone." The brunette chimed in. "I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if they're already trying to track us down."

"Yeah, but they'll never find us down here. No one even remembers that this part of the school exists anymore." The dark haired girl scoffed. "He could be down here and dead for days and they still might never find him."

"But what if they do find us? Maybe we could get them to leave! We could use the reversal spell as like a bargaining chip or something." The blonde said hopefully.

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