Fuckin' Niagara Falls

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Dean felt like shit when he woke up. His stomach was aching with pain. To alleviate some of the pain, Dean curled himself into a ball underneath the blankets. He could easily say that he hurt worse now than that time the angel Zachariah had given him stage four stomach cancer. As Dean moved, he became aware that his clothes felt sticky at wet. Even the sheets beneath him were unnaturally warm and sticky.

In confusion, Dean sat up and pulled back the blankets to look at his legs. Dean was shocked and more than a little horrified to find himself lying in a puddle of red. His pants and everything else was covered in hot, dark blood.

"What the hell," Dean grunted in a hushed sleep think tone. Beside him, Dean could feel Cas shift and turn to look at him with a look of befuddlement.

"Dean, what's wrong?" Cas asked in concern.

Dean pointedly ignored Castiel's question and leaped up from the bed. He rushed into the bathroom as fast as he could and shut the door securely behind him. His heart was hammering in his chest as panic welled up inside him. What the hell was happening to him? Dean's hands fluttered uselessly across his stomach as he groaned in pain. Then, he dropped his hands even lower as he stripped off his clothing and looked for any signs of injuries. Obviously, all this blood was coming from somewhere.

As he looked himself over, Dean felt a sinking feeling in his chest as he started to piece together the puzzle. There were absolutely no signs of physical injury on his body. Dean's eyes honed in on the pants and underwear he had shed. Dean really didn't want to think about this, but judging by the amount of blood on them, he had to assume he was on his period. Periods weren't something that crosses his mind on a regular basis. They never effective him, so he really had no reason to care. The thought weirded him out just a bit. He sure as hell didn't expect this outcome with the whole gender swap thing. The hair thing had been annoying, but this was just bullshit.

Dean felt gross, and he cringed internally as he became aware the blood trickling down between his legs. A shudder of revolution shot down his spine as he lifted his hand up to run his fingers through his long hair.

Under his breath, Dean hissed, "Fuck!" None of this was supposed to happen. Dean honestly had no idea what he was had to do now.

"Dean? Are you okay in there?" Castiel asked him through the door. He sounded worried.

'Shit... what the fuck am I gonna do about this?' Dean thought to himself in frustration.

"Dean?" Castiel's called to him again, speaking a little louder now.

"I uh... I'm fine Cas," Dean eventually replied. He put his hand against the door and held it there, hoping to shove Cas out if he tried to come in. "I'm just gonna to take a shower real quick..."

"Are you sure you're alright Dean? You don't sound okay," Cas mused as he juggled the handle of the locked door.

"Cas, privacy please," Dean snapped. His heart was pounding in his chest, but he tried to keep the panic out of his tone.

Dean really didn't want Cas or Sam to find out about this. Not only would it be embarrassing as hell, but Sam would never let him forget about this.

There was a long silence before Dean heard Castiel huffed dejectedly walked away.

Dean let out a sigh of relief and moved away from the door to turn on the shower. Thankfully the water warmed quickly, so it wasn't long before he was stepping under the soothing spray. Much to his surprise, Dean realized that the heat of the water helped to ease the ache in his back and the cramping in his stomach.

As he scrubbed himself clean, Dean made the mistake of looking down at the shower floor. "Ugh, gross," Dean balked, his expression morphing into a look of disgust.

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