Not What it Seems

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The three girls sat at the table quietly staring at their clasped hands.

None of them said a word and Dean was quickly getting impatient.

"Uhhh... So... Did you guys actually see anything or are we barking up the wrong tree here?" Dean asked as he tried to get the conversation started up.

The blonde girl finally took a shuttered breath as she looked up at Dean, her eyes glistening with tears. "Y-yes.... We saw it all...." She stuttered quietly.

Sam's face immediately melted into that soft, caring look that always seemed to win any woman over. "What exactly was it that you three saw that day."

The other two glanced up and looked at the blonde girl. Their faces all shared similar looks of terror.

“It was awful…” The dark haired girl, who Dean though might be called Kristine, said as she swiped gently at the corner of her eyes.

“Completely horrifying!” The third girl Leann said in agreement.

Dean noted that she didn’t seem nearly as traumatized by this whole ordeal. Maybe it was just his imagination… in this business you never knew who might be lying.

“So, me Leann and Kristine had finished our studies that day and we went to the locker rooms to shower off and get ready for bed. None of us were worried about Brianna because she told us she needed a short break off of school and that she was going home to visit her family for a few days. Well-”

“Brianna’s your friend right?” Dean asked, interrupting Nicole’s story.

“Y-yeah… she is… was when she was…well…you know…” Nicole said with a sniffle.

“Okay, so your friend went home for a bit then what happened?” Dean said as he tried to coax more words from her.

"Well.... The first day she left, she didn't even tell us, but we figured she just might have been in a rush and had just forgotten to say goodbye. Then, the next day… it was the end of the day and we were heading down into the locker rooms to take showers and get cleaned up when we heard screaming coming from the locker rooms. Of course we all ran into to see what was happening…” Nicole began to explain as she pulled a handkerchief from her pocket to dab at her eyes.

“When we opened the door… Brianna was… she was-” Nicole looked nervously towards the other two girls as she paused in uncertainty. “I-we’re not even sure if we saw it correctly, it-it must have been a trick of the light or something because-“

“Tell us whatever it was that you might have seen.” Sam said in a soothing voice. “We need all possible information about this case in order to find Brianna’s killer. Even if it seems unrealistic.”

“But… its… kinda crazy sounding…” One of the other girls said slowly.

“Believe me sweetheart, crazy is right up our ally.” Dean said with a serious somber tone.

“O-okay…” Nicole said as she took in another breath. “We… we could have sworn that… Brianna was hovering in the air. She was just… hanging there…. And blood… blood was just pouring from wounds all over her body… We watched as she vomited blood and new gashes seemed to just… appear on her body…. And… her… her eyes were rolled back into her head….”

Everyone was tense as the story deepened. Only when Nicole took another shuttered breath did everyone seem to break out of their trance.

Kristine then began to speak before the silence grew too potent. Her voice was much softer than Nicole’s, so they all had to lean in just a little bit in order to hear her properly. “We tried to pull her down… but… but she kinda just hung there. It was like she was strung up to the roof. Her screams were deafening… Only when she… took her last breath did she fall to the ground. S-she l-landed right on top of me…”

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