On the Line

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Cas was breathing heavily as if he had just run a marathon while Sam was holding his breath, still sitting beside Gabriel.

In the heat of the moment (hehehe) Sam had almost forgotten that there was nothing aside from a blanket separating his birthday suit from Castiel's frantic eyes.

After the initial shock of Castiel's words sunk in Sam finally found his voice and shouted, "Gone! What do you mean he's fucking gone??"

Cas opened and closed his mouth a few times as he tried to speak. He looked as if he was going to burst into tears the moment he spoke. Cas was barely holding it together at this point. That much was obvious.

"I-I don't know... I woke up and he wasn't there!" Cas finally gasped as his lips trembled slightly.

"Look Cassie, did you see anything before you went to bed?" Gabriel asked as he used his mojo to inconspicuously dress both himself and Sam beneath the blankets. At least one of them had a functioning brain in this situation. Clearly neither Sam nor Cas were thinking straight anymore.

Cas shook his head and walked further into the room, shaking his head hurriedly. His hands were fidgety and his eyes were darting everywhere. Sam had never seen Cas so ruffled up over something before. Cas was usually so stony faced and composed. Now Cas was anything but that. Even his hair looked more mussed up than normal just from the sheer stress of the situation.

"When was the last time you saw him? Like did he get up at any point in the night?" Sam asked as he swung his legs over the side of the bed. He didn't dare stand up yet. Sam didn't trust himself to stand up without falling over. Part of it was due to the fact that he just woke up and his muscles were straining sorely from his night with Gabriel while another part of it was from the shock of hearing that Dean was missing.

His brother was gone. Again.

The last time that something like this had happened was when Dean had died and gone to hell. After Dean had come back from hell he had hoped that he would never have to see his brother dead again. That day had been the worst of his entire life. He remembered Dean's bloody body in his arms, the hell hounds having ripped him to shreds and leaving behind his brother in a motionless mess on the floor. The memory of seeing Dean's glassy green eyes staring up at the ceiling while his blood soaked the floor and his shredded clothes was an image that still haunted Sam's dreams in the night. It had been a few years ago, but Sam knew he would never forget the day. He would never forget screaming at Bobby when he tried to give Dean a hunter's funeral. Sam had been determined to bring his brother back. He would never stop fighting to keep his brother by his side not even now.

Even as Cas stood in the front of them Sam's head was swirling wildly as he tried to think of some way to bring Dean back. There had to be a way. He couldn't see his brother dead again. Not like that anyways. They would have to live a full, long life before Sam would ever accept his brother's death.

Castiel's voice broke into Sam's thoughts and pulled him back to reality. The angel's face was full of emotions as he said, "No he didn't leave the room. He would have told me. How could I have not noticed that he vanished?"

"Listen, it's probably that fucking witch who took him. You know, that one that got away. She's probably figured out that were on her case. I mean, we're not exactly blending in as well as we could be." Sam glanced from Cas to Gabriel, emphasizing that bringing guys on campus was definitely getting some attention. "When she figured out who Dean was she probably got pissed and just wanted him out of the picture. Sooo... To get Dean back all we gotta do is track the bitch down."

The last part Sam said mostly to comfort himself and convince himself that everything was gonna be okay.

As soon as Sam fell silent Cas began to babble fearfully as he said, "What if we don't find him in time and-"

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