The Coming Storm

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"He what!" Cas gasped in horror. Gabriel had to be pulling his leg right? That's what his brother was best known for. This had to be another one of his stupid ass pranks.

Castiel's legs felt like jelly. If he was human, Cas was sure that he would have collapsed on the spot. A human form wouldn't have had the strength to stand up after receiving such horrible, shocking news. Cas was numb. Everything around him seemed to become dull and lifeless.

Gabriel had to be lying. He had to be.

Unfortunately, judging by the solemn looks on both Gabriel's and Sam's faces, this wasn't a joke. Sam wouldn't be on board with such a cold, cruel joke. Hunters didn't mess around with shit like this. Cas honestly wasn't sure why he was finding this so hard to believe. I mean, he had actually heard Dean get attacked over the phone, so he knew whatever news they'd got would be bad news. His brain just didn't seem to be getting the message. Everything was backwards, so fucked up and wrong. Cas couldn't take this anymore.

Cas felt himself start to shut down. Maybe he could pretend like this didn't happen and it will come true. Cas tried to forget, he truly did but the knife in his heart told him that this wasn't just something he could wish away. This was real life and one again Dean Winchester had managed to make a stupid decision.

Gabriel's eyes were locked with the floor, shame and sorrow rolling off of him in waves as he repeated his statement for Cas, "Dean got his sorry ass locked up in hell again. Demon found him Cas."

Cas wanted to scream loud enough to break every glass window within a three hundred mile radius. He was so done with everything. The look on his face was one of broken defeat and anger at his own stupidity. Dean was gone, again. How many times could one man get himself into this much trouble? Cas was pretty sure that he had lost count by now. The Winchester's always had a knack for finding trouble, even before Castiel had known them. Cas knew he should have kept a better eye on Dean. His own stubbornness had pushed Dean away. Why hadn't Cas realized that Dean would do something like this.

He curled his fists in anger. It was the only thing he could do to keep his grace inside of him. Cas wanted to release a huge burst of energy to let go of this anger, but it would cause too many casualties and draw unwanted attention. He wanted to rip himself free from this human form. Cas wanted to be stony and uncaring like angels were supposed to be. Feelings and emotions were such human action. Cas could take physical pain no problem. Yeah, it sucked, it was nothing he'd ever enjoyed experiencing, but physical pain was nothing compared to emotional pain. Cas felt himself tearing apart from the inside out. He would rather let himself be tortured for the rest of eternity if it meant saving him from this emotional breakdown. Anything would be less painful than this. Hell, Cas would take falling from grace over this. The pain of his grace being torn from his being would feel like a light tickling sensation compared to this gut-wrenching, soul shattering agony he was in now.

Cas knew he was probably being a little bit dramatic, but he didn't really care. He wasn't sure what he was going to do without Dean. Cas felt absolutely helpless.

Sam watched Castiel as he broke down. Meanwhile, Sam was trying his best to keep his own pain at bay, but he could feel his mask slowly slipping away. Once again he had lost his brother. Like always, one small problem always had to develop into something a million times worse. This was just their typical life story; one long, painful tragedy with no end in sight.

Sam knew his and Dean's codependency was stupid, dangerous as hell and almost always caused more problems than it solved, but he couldn't just give up on Dean. That wasn't the Winchester style. You don't give up on family. Dean was the only true family that Sam had left. Yeah he had Cas and Gabriel now, but still, Sam couldn't do this without his brother. He didn't want to do this without Dean. Sam couldn't bear the thought of living without his brother. He had been forced to do it before, and it had almost killed Sam.

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