Castle of Glass

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*A/N: I've finally gotten the chance to sit down and finish up a new chapter for y'all! Sorry that there has been such a delay. School has been a whirlwind this semester but I haven't forgot about y'all! I hope you enjoy! (Sorry for any mistakes)

Over the next couple of days, everyone had their hands full with preparations for the upcoming confrontation with the angels. Dean did his best to contribute and help wherever he could, but Lilly Grace demanded most of his attention. He quickly learned that taking care of a newborn was a full-time job. Thankfully, the others were willing to watch after her for a bit so Dean could get some time to himself.

Meanwhile, Lilly Grace spent most of her time slumbering quietly in her bassinet or dozing in the confines of someone's arms. Thankfully, she didn't cry often, but her power naps never lasted for long, always waking up when she needed to be fed or changed –sometimes she needed both. Much to everyone's utter relief, Lilly Grace hadn't made anything else explode or catch on fire yet. It seemed like Castiel had been right when he said that Lilly Grace might actually understand her own strength.

Personally, Dean took this as a good sign. If she could control her powers that meant that he and Cas could keep her from accidentally destroying the world. That meant that Lily Grace might not turn out to be the monster that everyone seemed to think.

Sam, however, was a little less optimistic. He sounded skeptical when Dean voiced his thoughts out loud. Dean could understand where his brother's fear and concern was coming from, but right now he didn't want to think about the alternative. If Lilly Grace actually ended up going postal, they were all in a shitload of trouble.

Dean didn't want to consider what he'd have to do if she lost control and got too dangerous. She was a threat to the entire nation, but Dean wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. This child had Winchester blood running through her veins, so that had to mean something. It did in Dean's mind at least. Dean had to believe that Lilly Grace was good at heart. He just had to believe it. Deep down, Dean knew that even if she ultimately did go dark side, he'd never be strong enough to take her down. If he were completely honest with himself, Dean knew he'd probably take down anyone who tried to hurt her, regardless of who it was. Lilly Grace was his responsibility now. He had helped bring her into this world, and he'd be damned if he let anyone lay a finger on her. Right now, all Dean could do was stay focused on the present. His daughter was here, happy, healthy, and alive.

In the meantime, the rest of their plans seemed to be coming together like a charm. The details were a little hazy, but everything was working out better than they dared to hope. It was going to be messy and dangerous, but Sam's little plan at least gave them a fighting chance. Frankly, they still might lose, but at least this way they weren't just rolling over to die.

Everything was set to go down on a Friday, two days from now. There wasn't much time to prepare, but Gabriel guessed that if they didn't attack soon, heaven's wrath would beat them to the punch. Until then, everyone was doing their best to stay beneath the radar. If their plans worked out, they might actually get a jump on the angel's which is what they desperately needed. Once they finalized their preparations, the plan was to go all in, guns blazing. One way or another, this fight was going to end, either with their deaths or the retreat of heaven's troops. They were all hoping for the latter.

In Dean's opinion, Sam's plan was pretty good, but there was just one thing he wanted to get settled before they attacked. "I want to be back in my own body," Dean stated adamantly as he stepped into the kitchen to join Cas, Sam, and Gabriel. "I don't care if you think I'm not strong enough yet or should wait until after the confrontation, I want to be me again."

Dean had just woken up, that those thoughts had been at the forefront of his mind. His dreams had been dark, and daunting despite sleeping in the warm, strong arms of Castiel. As he slept, nightmares plague his dreams, visions of himself lost in vast, empty void, all alone and trapped inside a body that didn't belong to him. When Dean woke, he was jittery and on edge, the dream bothering him more than he cared to admit. Right then and there, Dean had decided that he needed to be back in his own body before they faced the angels on Friday.

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