Bitch Hunter

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Dean snuck up to the abandoned lot, gun held at the ready. Inside he could hear loud, chanting voices. It sounded like they old Latin spells. Fantastic.

Outside, thunder cracked and lit up his path. A nasty storm was rolling in but Dean couldn't back out now. After all, he'd fought monsters in worse weather. He had one shot at this so he couldn't fuck it up now. This was supposed to be an easy hunt, just a couple of back ally, lowlife witch bitches that thought they could become full-blooded witches. Their magic was which was how he and Sam had found this case in the first place. The witches had been curing some of the local men around town for no apparent reason. A few of the men had died suddenly in their homes while others just disappear without a trace.

Sam had been the one to find the case. They had taken a pit stop of the cost of California to wash up and refuel the Impala. While he waited for Dean to finished, Sam had snagged a local paper to peruse. By the time Dean had returned and was ready to hit the road again, Sam had found the article about the missing men.

They were close enough to case that it took them only a few hours to reach the town. After Sam had done some more research, they learned that twelve men from the same town disappeared in under a week. That still left them to figure out what exactly they were hunting. Once they had checked into a dinky motel, they set out to question the wives of a few of the victims. It only took one interview to figure out what they were hunting. As Dean questioned the first victim's wife, Sam had come up with a hex bag tucked away under a bathroom sink. Hex bags could only mean one thing. They were dealing with witches. After interviewing a few more of the women, they found even more hex bags.

Dean hadn't been all too pleased when he realized that they were hunting witches. Dean remembered muttering to Sam, "Witches? Really? I fucking hate witches." Of all the creatures they had to be facing, it was gross, disgusting witches. They were at the very bottom of the list when it came to things that Dean liked to hunt. He certainly wasn't planning on joining any witch fan clubs anytime soon. That was for sure.

Unfortunately for him and Sam, the witch was a lot harder to find than they had expected. It seemed like the closer they got to finding them; the more people seemed to vanish.

After almost a week with no major breakthroughs on the case, they finally had to call in some reinforcements. At this point, they were just running in circles. They needed some angelic assistance to track this sneaky witch down. Once Cas had arrived, Sam and Dean had quickly caught Cas up to speed on the situation. Cas was more than happy to help and flew off to track down some new leads for them. Within the hour Cas had returned and informed them that the victims who vanished, weren't being killed. Instead, the witch was sending those victims to an island offshore, leaving them there to suffer and starve in a cave. Apparently, the cave had some pretty sketchy angelic and demonic warding around it, so Cas hadn't been able to rescue any of the stranded men. He had also found out a place where the witch might be hiding out. The building had very similar warding so they could only assume that it had been done by the same person. After that, Cas had flown off and let him and Sam finish up the job.

So, that's where they were now. Sam was on his way to that cave to save the men, while Dean was stuck taking out the witch.

Dean had lost at rock paper scissor, so Dean got stuck killing the witch. Sam had just smirked when Dean threw scissors –like always- and had informed him that he'd be the one hunting the witch down. Sam, on the other hand, got the easy part and went off to save the missing men. Hopefully, this went by quickly. Dean was beginning to doubt that thought. It sounded like there were more than one sets of voice chanting inside. They had only been anticipating there being only one witch, maybe too, but Dean realized that maybe they had been underestimating that.

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