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Sam landed hard, losing his balance as he hit the ground, knees buckling from the force of the impact. Sam had forgotten to bend his knees like Dean had once advised him, now Sam was paying the price for that.

Hard, cold concrete connected with Sam's hands as he crashed to the ground, his knees giving out and leaving him to fall to the ground. He used his hands to try and soften the fall, but only felt pain as his palms connected with the cold hard cement.

From the ground, Sam glared up at Gabriel in irritation while the archangel gave him a sheepish smile. Gabriel extended his and down to Sam as he said, "Sorry 'bout that Sammich! I shoulda warned ya about the landing."

"You think?" Sam grumbled as he reached up to grasp the archangel's hands. Once he was standing again, Sam looked down at his crumpled clothing and tried to brush himself off.

Meanwhile, Gabriel turned and looked at the three witches they had transported with. They too looked shaken and unsteady from the angelic trip they had just taken. One girl actually looked like she was about to be sick. Then, with a sharp snap of his fingers, Gabriel created a large, solid, steel looking jail cell around the three girls.

"Will that hold them?" Sam asked as he stepped beside Gabriel and looked at the dark, smoky looking bars. The structure seemed solid enough, but Sam wasn't sure if the bars were real or just an intangible figment of Gabriel's magic.

"Of course it will!" Gabriel chirped. "Nothing is getting through those."

"You better hope so. Those girls were hard to find once, I doubt they'll make it any easier a second time around." Sam muttered darkly.

"Aw come on! Have some faith in me Sam!" Gabriel chortled while the three witch girls glared at them in silence.

Then, Gabriel waved his hand and the cage containing the girls vanished entirely.

"Where did you send them?" Sam asked in shock.

"They're still here; I just dropped them between two realities." Gabriel said with a smirk.

"What?" Sam said in confusion.

"Basically, they are still in that same spot, but they are bouncing between two different planes of reality. Their cage can't decide which plain they belong in so it bounces between them so fast that it makes them invisible to the human eye." Gabriel told him. "They are stuck between existing and not existing."

Satisfied with Gabriel's explanation, Sam turned away and looked around the large room they were in. The walls around them were tall, dark and high, the tops of them vanishing into shadows before reaching the ceiling somewhere high above. Aside from a few dust bunnies blowing across the floor, the room was completely deserted. There was nothing but empty, open space for as far as Sam could see. Either Gabriel had created this room too, or they were now standing in a deserted building in the middle of nowhere.

"Where the hell are we anyways?" Sam asked after a few minute of silence between them.

"We my friend, are in an abandoned warehouse in the middle of Texas. San Antonio if you were looking for a more precise answer." Gabriel explained throwing his arms wide as if showing the place off.

"Why Texas?" Sam questioned.

"Because it's Texas, duhh!" Gabriel exclaimed like it was the simplest answer in the world.

"Right... because that explains everything." Sam grumbled with a roll of his eyes.

"Oh shut up. It was just the first place I could think of." Gabriel scoffed after a minute of watching Sam's annoyed pout.

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