We Gotta Make the Call

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As it turned out, Dean's plan hadn't worked out quite as well as he'd hoped. Actually, it hadn't worked at all. His master plan had been to tackle Sam and try to pin him to the ground so he could wrestle the phone from his brother's clutches. However, instead of tackling Sam, he had only managed to startle his brother. At the very least, Dean had managed to knock the phone from Sam's hand, and they watched wide eyed as the device sailed across the room. The moment of surprise quickly passed, leaving both boys to scramble frantically after the phone. Dean rushed by his brother and seized the phone, shouting in triumph as he clutched it tightly. In the end, his moment of joy lasted for only a second. Before he could react, Sam lept at Dean and brought him to the ground. The two boys fought on the ground, and Dean felt himself getting rug burn as Sam pushed his face into the ground. It was clear that Dean had slightly underestimated his new size and stature against Sam's unchanged solid figure. As it was, Dean struggled to pin down Sam when he was in the correct body. This new female body would barely stand a chance against Sam.

Dean struggled against Sam, panting hard as he fought unsuccessfully to gain the upper hand. "God damn it, Dean! Knock it off," Sam snapped. "We need to call Ca-"

"Don't say his name,' Dean yelped, slapping Sam in the face as he tried to clamp his hand over his brother's mouth. Saying Castiel's name out loud would be just as bad as calling him.

When he closed over Sam's mouth, his brother proceeded to lick a long stripe across Dean's hand. Sam's tongue was hot and wet against Dean's skin, and he cringed away from the disgusting feeling.

"What the fuck! That's so gross Sam," Dean snapped as he recoiled and looked at Sam's spit shining on his palm. Repulsion was written across his face as he smacked his hand against Sam's chest to wipe away the spit. The phone had now fallen to the floor again, left forgotten as Sam cackled wickedly at Dean's disgust. Dean glared at his brother and finally managed to work his way free from Sam's hold.

As Dean sat up and brushed himself off, he heard Castiel's voice say, "Hello? Sam? Are you there?"

Dean's eyes widened as he looked towards the phone lying beside Sam's head. He ground his teeth and shot his brother a dirty look. Apparently, Sam had actually managed to dial Castiel's number before the phone was smacked away.

Once again, Dean found himself leaping towards the phone, but this time Sam got it first. Easily, Sam held Dean back as he put the phone up to his ear. As a last resort, Dean stretched his arms as far as they would go and began to tickle Sam in hopes that it would make him keep his damn pie hole shut.

Sam squirmed under Dean's hands, but through fits of giggles he still managed to gasp, "Cas just get here quick. Something is wrong with Dean!"

"You're a fucking asshole, Sam," Dean snarled. He shoved away his brother's arm as Sam snapped the phone shut and tossed it to the side. Then, he drew his fist back and punched Sam in the arm as hard as he could.

"Ow!" Sam exclaimed as he rubbed at the spot. "Fuck off Dean."

Sam and Dean glared at each other, neither saying a word as the room filled with the distinct sound beating wings that signaled Castiel's arrival.

Cas was beside the two of them in an instant, looking down at where the brother's sat on the floor. The worry and concern were etched into his dark, handsome features as he asked, "What's wrong Sam?"

Before Sam could reply, Castiel's eyes shifted and landed on Dean. Immediately, his expression shifted from one of concern into a look of utter confusion.

"Heya, Cas..." Dean mumbled, dropping his eyes in shame. He could feel his cheeks heating up in embarrassment as Castiel watched him.

"What happened?" Cas asked gruffly. Just by the tone of his voice, Dean could tell that Castiel was doing that little squinty thing combined with his cute signature head tilt. "You are certainly Dean Winchester, but this body is puzzling me," Cas paused before adding, "Dean, why are you female?"

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