Bad Hair Day

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When Dean awoke the next morning, he looked around the room and blinked in confusion. For the moment, the excitement of the previous day seemed to have slipped from his thoughts. He began to panic a little when he looked to the right and didn't see an extra bed in the room with Sam's sleepy form sprawled out on top of it. Dean was about to reach for his gun and let all hell break loose when he felt someone shift beside him.

He whipped his head around and came face to face with Castiel's warm blue eyes. Dean blinked, trying to reconnect the dots, one by one. After a second, the haze of sleep finally slipped away and all the memories from the previous night had flooded back into his mind.

Dean relaxed quickly and smiled softly at Cas. He pulled his hand off of the gun under the pillow and scooted back so he could press himself against Castiel's warm chest. With a sigh of content, Castiel reached around Dean and draped his arms over Dean's body. The longer Dean stayed here curled in Castiel's arms, the more he began to notice how sore he felt. The previous night had certainly been one hell of a workout for him, and now his muscles were paying the price.

Despite the aching, Dean still didn't regret a single second thing that had happened between him and Cas. He wished that his curse had worn off during the night, but clearly, that was a bit too much to hope for at the moment. Dean could live with that at the moment. He was sure they'd find a way to reverse this problem sooner or later.

"Morning Dean," Castiel breathed softly.

Dean sighed groggily and asked, "Did I wake you?"

Cas placed a kiss on the top of Dean's head and said, "Dean, I am a multidimensional wave of celestial intent, I don't sleep. I was merely resting my eyes."

"Oh, right," Dean grumbled rolling over and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "I totally knew that."

"No, you didn't," Castiel's replied, an accusation hanging heavy in his voice.

"I was joking Cas. It's an expression," Dean snorted as he smiled fondly at Cas.

"Oh," Cas huffed softly. Dean could practically hear the gears working in Castiel's mind as he took in what Dean was saying. Then, hesitating slightly, Cas said, "I knew that?"

It sounded more like a question when Cas said it, but Dean smiled in encouragement. "Hey, yeah there you go," Dean poked Castiel's shoulder. "You're getting the hang of it now."

Dean stretched beside and winced slightly as his muscles ached in protest. In the back of his mind, Dean hoped that today's hunt would be light and easy. Dean wasn't so sure how happy his body would be if they had some serious work laid out for the day.

"What time is it anyway?" Dean asked as he settled under the covers again and let out a deep sigh.

"It's about eleven-thirty now. I figured you needed sleep, so I didn't wake you," Cas told him without glancing at a clock.

"Shit, it's late," Dean exclaimed in mild surprise. "Wait, if you don't sleep, what have you been doing this whole time?"

"I was watching you sleep," Cas replied in a matter of fact tone. "It's actually very peaceful. You are quite beautiful when you sleep."

Dean's cheeks flushed red, and he let his eyes trace little patterns on the ceiling to avoid Castiel's piercing gaze. "Uh... thanks, I guess. So, you like watching me sleep?"

"Yes, it's a very relaxing and redeeming experience," Castiel lifted a finger and traced it down the side of Dean's jaw. At the touch, Dean turned to look at Cas. "All the stress and pain you feel washes away, you look calm when you sleep, happy even. When you sleep, you look to be at peace, and I find that very beautiful."

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