Epilogue - Five Years Later

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 *A/N* Alright y'all, this is it! We've finally made it to the end! This is the chapter that will officially close out this story! Please enjoy (and let me know if you find any issues/errors!)  


               Dean's eyes were closed as he leaned against the wooden back porch rail. His arms were resting atop the stained wood, a cold beer cradled between his fingers, condensation collecting along the darkened glass. Around him, he could hear the rustling leaves in the trees, could feel the crisp spring wind that was just cool enough to indicate that the seasons would soon be changing. The air outside was warm, filled with the aroma of the sweet flowers that were still blooming in the yard. Dean inhaled deeply, taking in as much of the glorious smell as he could. He sighed deeply, a soft smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

He opened his eyes when leaves began to crunch, indicating that Dean was no longer alone. He heard a joyful giggle and the happy barking of a dog coming around the side of the house. Dean heard calming chatter from familiar voices.

"Daddy!" Came the excited squeal from his five-year-old daughter Lilly Grace. Dean's soft smile turned into a blinding grin as the tiny blonde came rushing towards him, grass softening her steps and a large golden lab running close behind.

Dean set his beer aside and crouched down, opening his arms wide to embrace the little girl as she ran to him. His daughter was only five, but she was growing like a weed. Lilly Grace was had gone from a tiny adorable baby to a beautiful, smart and sassy little girl. Her blonde curls now hung halfway down her back, each little ringlet bouncing and jumping as she moved about. Her blue eyes were just as shocking as they had been on the day she was born and there were now even more freckles smattered across her rosy cheeks. The child's brilliant smile was blinding, plush lips outlining tiny pearly white teeth. Right at the front, there was a gap in the front left of her mouth where she had lost her first tooth only a week before. Even with her missing tooth, his daughter was gorgeous, bound to one day become a heartbreaker. Dean already knew that he'd have to keep the shotguns ready to keep the boys away from his precious little angel. He might be a bit biased, but Lilly Grace was the most beautiful child he had ever seen. Sometimes Dean had to pinch himself to remind himself that this was reality.

Dean laughed as Lilly Grace fell into Dean's arms with a delighted giggle. She buried her face into his chest and locked her little arms around his neck. Then, the lab was there too, tail wagging furiously as she begged Dean for attention too. He pat the dog's the head a few times, scratching that spot behind her ear that she loved before standing up, hoisting Lilly Grace up with him. Her legs wrapped around his waist as best they could, and the little girl laughed even louder, loving the feeling of being so high off the ground.

"How was your walk with Uncle Sam and Uncle Gabe?" Dean asked as Sam and Gabriel joined them on the porch.

"It was lots of fun!" Lilly Grace bubbled. I found a ladybug and a caterpillar and Unca Gabe took us to an ice cream shop. Unca Sam thought it was a bad idea. It was fun though, wasn't it Unca Gabe?"

"It was a lot of fun. Ginger even got her own special doggy ice cream." Gabriel agreed, crouching down to scratch the dogs head.

"I just didn't want her to spoil her dinner," Sam huffed. Dean guessed that it hadn't taken much persuasion to get Sam on board with the idea, no matter how much he tried to act like the responsible, tough adult. His brother was a total pushover when it came to giving Lilly Grace what she asked for. Dean couldn't lie though, it was really hard to say no to such an adorable little bundle of joy, especially when she asked so nice and innocent. Lilly Grace was only five, but she already knew how to work the system and tug at everyone's heartstrings. Cas seemed to be the only one who could resist giving into her little puppy dog eyes.

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