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Castiel's lips were soft and warm against Dean's. At first, Dean was too shocked to respond, barely noticing Castiel's long fingers tickling down his sides. His lips moved on instinct, kissing back, but not really taking in the full weight of what was happening. Desperately, Dean reached up reached up and wrapped his free hand into Castiel's soft, dark hair and roughly pulled him closer.

Castiel ran his tongue along the seam of Dean's lips begging him for permission to explore further. Without thinking, Dean parted his lips and allowed the kiss to deepen between them. Castiel was tugging at Dean, pulling them impossibly close, his hands moving along bare skin. It seemed like he was trying to memorize every inch of Dean's body. Dean's entire body was trembling under the electrifying touch and stars began to twinkle before his eyes from the lack of oxygen his lungs were receiving.

When they finally broke for air, Dean was gasping for breath, his forehead resting against Castiel's. His panting breaths soon turned to a long, low moan; when Castiel's hands slid down to give Dean's ass a healthy squeeze. As his heart rate slowed, Dean finally began to piece together what had just happened. In the moment, Dean had just blissfully thrown himself into the kiss, but normally, that would have been something he objected to right off the bat.

"What the hell was that for?" Dean asked, leaning back to look into Castiel's eyes. He still had his fingers tangled in Castiel's hair, but he was starting to wonder if he should stop and push Cas away. What he should really be doing is slapping Cas in the face and telling him to get the fuck out, but something deep in his chest was holding him back.

Cas was just staring at him, his bright blue eyes nearly black with lust. He seemed almost animalistic, and feral, watching Dean with a primal hunger. A shiver ran up Dean's spine when he felt Castiel's splay his fingers possessively across his lower back. Then, in a deep sultry tone, Castiel growled, "That was for flirting with other women."

Dean barely had time to process the statement before Cas started kissing him again. He buried his face into the crook of Dean's neck, peppering the skin with hot, wet kisses that made Dean's eyes roll back in pleasure. When Cas hovered over his pressure point and sucked a hickey on to the vulnerable skin, Dean couldn't repress a moan.

"Ah, Cas," Dean gasped, biting down hard on his lip before struggling to free himself from the angel's tight grasp. "Wait, just hang on," he continued to plead.

Cas instead of stopping ignored Dean and began trailing kisses down even lower. His long tongue then began to trace around the top edge of Dean's anti-possession tattoo. As Cas began to move closer and closer to the skin hidden beneath his towel, the more desperate to break away Dean became. Why was Cas ignoring him? Dean needed a minute to process what was happening. Dean wasn't even sure if he was completely okay with this, but Cas was just going for it, no second thoughts.

"Stop it, Cas, stop God Damn it! Just wait a fucking second! Stop!" Dean practically screamed as struggled with all his might against the angel's solid frame.

As soon as the final 'stop' fell from Dean's lips, Cas froze, his eyes wide and horrified. Immediately, he stopped touching Dean and took two massive steps backward.

Dean could still see the lust and desire in Castiel's eyes, but that was quickly being replaced with uncertainty and fear.

"I-I'm sorry Dean," Cas apologized. "I'm sorry if I went too far, I didn't even ask if this was okay."

Dean drew his towel tighter around his body and tried to steady his frazzled nerves. Honestly, this had been the last thing Dean's had been expecting.

"Why now?" Dean asked, with confusion written across his face. It had been the first logical thought to pop into his head, and somehow it had slipped out. Then, before Cas could answer the question, Dean spoke up again, "A little warning would have been nice you know. I mean, that came out of nowhere. So, why the hell now? I've liked- er, known you for years Cas, and nothing, but the moment I become a chick you pounce on my ass? That's pretty fucking messed up man, especially with you being a damn Angel of the Lord and all." The longer Dean talked, the angrier he became. Now that Cas wasn't kissing him anymore, Dean's mind was able to come back down to reality. Castiel's actions made no sense and were so far past the realm of acceptable behavior.

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