No Easy Way Out

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A/N Sorry about how long the gaps are between updates.... but honestly... these last two weeks have been really long and stressful... I apologize guys :(

When they reached the college Dean turned off the Impala and climbed out of the car. He walked around to the warm grill of his baby and leaned against it while he waited for Sam and Cas to join him.

Cas was out of the car first. He crawled from the back seat and quickly rushed to stand by Dean’s side as they waited for Sam.

“What the hell is taking you so long Sam?” Dean finally called back after a minute as he tried to see what his massive brother was doing.

“I believe he is getting weapons that you guys can protect yourselves with.” Castiel said as he peered over Dean’s long dark blonde hair.

“Well he needs to hurry up. We were supposed to be in there three minutes ago and on the phone this lady sounded like she meant business.” Dean said as he glanced up at the building in front of them. The woman he had spoken to earlier had a sharp, brisk voice that sounded like fingernails gliding over a chalkboard. Her tone had made her sound old and snippy, like those annoying old ladies who hush their neighbors for making the grass crunch too loudly. There was a warm fall breeze that made Dean shutter slightly as he listened to the oddly quiet campus area.

Castiel must have though Dean was shivering from cold became he had suddenly slipped his arm loosely around Dean’s slender waist and pulled him closer. The hunter couldn’t help but lean into Castiel’s firm body and loose himself in the gentle, feather-like touches that were coming from the angel.

Dean was far from being the touchy feely kind of guy, but apparently his chick feeling had decided otherwise. This worried Dean. He wasn’t supposed to becoming more feminine. What if he got stuck like this? Dean began to panic slightly and tried to force himself to focus on the campus ahead of them instead.

They had parked outside of a large ancient building that had its own graceful charm to it. Dean noted that the grounds were decorated elegantly with small organized spattering of pretty, purple and yellow flowers. He watched as the grass seemed to shimmer and glow with dew in the soft midmorning light as Dean gazed down upon it. Every inch of the aged structure seemed to be shiny, neat, and pristine. There wasn’t a blade of grass out of place. Even the windows gleamed bright enough to reflect the parking area that they were standing in.

Dean hated places like this... This college seemed way to formal and uptight for his standards. It was exactly the kind of place that Dean could get himself kicked out of in less than two hours by just being himself.

“Dean what the fuck?” Sam called from the car. The irritation was painfully apparent in his voice as he spoke.

“Aw what is it Sammy? You break a nail or something?” Dean cooed sarcastically. “You want me to paint it with rainbows and sparkles to make it all better?”

Sam pulled his head from the car and gave Dean at least the five-hundredth bitch face that day. In his hands he was holding a pair of miniature black nightmares.

“Oh fuck no!” Dean said as he looked down at his feet.  The hunter was clad in his new combat boots that were so small that he could have easily one of the shoes into his old pair that were now too big. He could probably fit two of them into one of Sam’s shoes if he tried!

Dean looked away from his feet and back up to what his brother was waving about. Gripped loosely in Sam’s hands was a pair of small black high heels. They were the kind of heels women always seemed to wear when they went out for professional interviews or if they were going on an important date with a guy.

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