Working it Out

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Sam threw himself face down onto one of the dorm beds in the next room as soon as he stormed through the door.

Sam briefly considered locking Gabriel out and making him sleep on the floor outside like a pet dog, but then he remembered that Gabriel was an archangel. Gabriel could just use his mojo to unlock the door or poof his way into the room.

Knowing Gab, he would do something extremely dickish like poof directly onto Sam's back and just sit there until he cried uncle.

'I wonder how long it would take for holy oil to burn down this room.' Sam thought to himself. He wondered aimlessly how effective lining the room with holy fire and lighting it would be. 'It would keep Gabriel out and the room really warm, but I doubt the headmistress would like it very much'

Only moments later, Sam's heart sunk as he heard the door open up and close again. 'So much for that idea.' He thought.

He had hoped that Gabriel would be smart enough to stay in the other room for just a little longer. Sam still needed more time to cool off, but Gabriel didn't seem to notice or care. Gabriel got into his nerves pretty quickly.

"Honey I'm home!" Gabriel called with that cool cocky tone in his voice as he spoke.

"Go fuck yourself." Sam grumbled into his pillow.

"Been there, done that. Doesn't quite work the same. But it makes for an interesting three way when you add another person!" Gabriel chortled as Sam felt the side of the bed sink beside him.

Sam groaned in mortification as his face flushed red. He didn't even want to ask. The very thought of asking just made Sam uncomfortable.

Looking for a way to divert the topic, Sam suddenly snapped, "Woah, oh no. No way, there are two beds in here and this one is mine." As he spoke he tried his best to push Gabriel off the bed and onto the floor. "The beds are way too small for two people."

Sam's plan to get Gabriel off the bed didn't really work as well as had hoped since the archangel basically used his mojo to stay exactly where he was at.

However much to Sam's relief, only seconds later Gabriel actually stood up and moved to the other bed. Sam was shocked. He thought Gabriel was going to put up a much bigger fight over this.

"Well I guess daddy never taught you that sharing was caring did they Sammich?" Gabriel said grumpily as he began to pout.

"No, he taught me how to kill shit and well... Dean taught me how to kick ass and shut annoying people up." Sam snapped with venom in his voice.

"Oh well I see someone is being dry and cut throat tonight."

Sam rolled his eyes and growled, "What are you gonna do? Moisturize me?"

Gabriel's jaw hung slack and he cocked an eyebrow at Sam in confusion. He clearly wasn't expecting that as an answer. After a moment the archangel composed himself and said, "If you insist."

"Jesus Christ." Sam grumbled as he dropped his face back down onto the bed. "Stay away from me... And change me back into a guy now."

"I'm not going to do anything with you being in that kind of mood." Gabriel said with a huff of annoyance.

"Wait, do you expect me to fucking stay like this all night?" Sam snapped as he pushed himself furiously into a sitting position.

"Possibly." Gabriel teased with a little smirk forming on his face. "What's the magic word?"

"Fuck you." Sam hissed.

"Nope, try again." Gabriel chortled.

"Listen here you little shit." Sam growled as he shoved himself off the bed and got into the archangels face. "The only reason why I let you stick around with us and work this case was so I didn't have to constantly stay stuck as a chick."

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