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When Cas awoke the next morning he couldn't help but feel guilty for everything that he had said to Dean. Dean had been right; he had taken it a step too far, although he hadn't changed his mind on wanting a family. Cas could settle for adopting a child. As long as he had Dean everything would be alright.

However, they still needed to deal with the most serious problem at hand. The nephilim child.

'My child.' Cas thought to himself glumly. He quickly brushed aside the thought and ignored the nagging feeling in his gut. Cas had to remember what was best for Dean and for their relationship.

According to the lore, Cas of only one way of getting rid of a nephilim child before it was born. Unfortunately the legends also mentioned that there was a great likely hood of causing Dean permanent harm. That was the last thing that Cas wanted to do. Maybe they could find something else that could work. He was determined to help Dean if he still wanted to get rid of the child. Cas was willing to follow Dean's lead, no matter how much disagreed with Dean's opinions.

After last night performance, Cas was pretty sure that Dean was still trying to accept the idea of living a domestic life. Cas understood. After being a hunter for so long, living a normal life must seem improbable and raising a child outside of the life seemed impossible.

He had felt the same way when he had tried to leave his angelic past behind. In order to accept his new fate on earth, Cas had to abandon most of the ties with his angelic siblings. Human life was far different than living the life of a timeless angel. Although he was still an angel, he chose to stay away from heaven and its control as best he could.

Maybe one day Dean would see that anything was possible. Maybe he could see that he wasn't cured to live in this life forever. One day, Dean would see the truth. Cas could be patient. He would wait until Dean was ready to settle down. Even if that day never came Cas was willing to stay by his side until they reach the end of this long and lonely road. They didn't need to live the apple pie life for Cas to be happy. Yes, settling down would be much more peaceful, but as long as Cas had Dean everything would be okay.

Cas sat up hurriedly, throwing back the covers as he moved. He had to go apologize to Dean for what he had done last night. Cas knew that he shouldn't have exploded the way he did. Dean didn't respond well to anger and accusations. Cas needed to reassure the hunter that he would make things right. After all, most of the blame for this situation fell on him. He had been the one to accidently break the condom. Only now did Cas see that he needed to take a step into Dean's shoes. Instead of telling Dean what he should do, he needed to try and understand where Dean was coming from. After a restless night of sleep Cas now saw all the downsides of being pregnant and it made him feel guilty as hell for ever snapping at Dean. Maybe the two of them could work something else out. Cas needed his partner back.

Slowly, Cas made his way across the room, his sleepy feet shuffling across the cool concreate floor. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he crept past Gabriel and Sam who were still sleeping soundly. Sam's lanky arm was draped over the archangel's body, holding him close as they dozed. It was like Sam was protecting the all-powerful angel even as they slept. Apparently, the hunter inside of Sam never seemed to rest even when his body did. Cas was happy to see that Sam had finally given in and let himself find happiness. Sam, much like his older brother wore a strong mask to hide the deepest parts of himself. Behind those hazel eyes and that wall of hair, Sam was just as broken as Dean. He had been the boy damned from the moment he turned six months old. Sam had been hell bound, chosen to become the vessel of the devil himself. He had fought long and hard, always trying to escape from a life he never wanted to live. Every time Sam had tried to achieve happiness and normality in his life, something supernatural ripped the rug out from under his feet. Cas could see why Sam was so defensive and distrustful when something positive was tossed his way. Even now, after they had fought through so much Sam doubted the fact that he was a good person. Cas knew that Sam still believed he was evil deep down. He still had a hard time seeing the good inside of him. Cas pitied the hunter. Sam deserved a much better life. Cas only hoped that this time when he got out of the life, it would be for good. Maybe time could heal Sam too.

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