The Queen's Gamble

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Kara had finally come to terms with her crappy parents and made her peace. Now she has a new family, one that unlike the other loves her. Her daughter Alice Allen, who she loves more than she could ever imagine and her boyfriend, Barry Allen, if she were to write down all the reasons why she loved him, she would of aged a decade by the time she had finished.

"Alice sweetie wait up." Kara said jogging after her energetic nine year old daughter.

"Butterfly." Alice smiled widely as Barry lifted her onto his shoulders causing her to giggle.

All was perfect. Kara was at a park with her soulmate and her daughter enjoying themselves for the first time, but it was too perfect.

"Barry?" Kara asked as he put Alice on her feet and she resumed chasing the butterfly.


"Can we really be happy?" She asked

"Are you happy right now?" He asked as she smiled and nodded

"Yeah......really happy." She answered

"Then yes you can." He said kissing her forehead 

At that moment Kara's eyes swept over the park, but she failed to notice a small blonde girl chasing a butterfly. She kept looking but Alice was no where in sight.

"Where's Alice?" Kara asked. Barry's fatherly instincts kicked in and without caring about any witness he sped around the entire park.

"She's missing.........."

*   *   *

Kara has never wanted to kill before, but now she feels the urge to kill, her blood was boiling and not even God will be able to save the person who kidnapped their daughter.

Barry was speeding through out the city as Kara hovered above the city using her x-ray vision to scan for any signs of Alice, but both of them came up empty.

"Dammit!!" Barry yelled as he threw his mask onto the table with his blood red lightning coursing thorugh his veins.

He couldn't lose her. During his darkest times and at his lowest points she was there, when he felt empty and alone she was there. Her smile, her small soft hands and her laugh saved him from losing himself completely. He only just now realised how much he actually loves and cherishes his daughter.

"Barr......we'll find her." Kara said rubbing his back trying her best to support him. He could feel her hands shaking and for a moment he had forgotten that Alice was Kara's daughter as well.

"Yeah, and when we do, we can celebrate her birthday." He said holding her hand as he wiped a tear away from her cheek.

"Barry, I think we've got something." Oliver said.

"I hacked into the street cameras and everything was fine until....." Maddison said showing them the feed until she paused it.

What they saw was their greatest fears come to life.

The hooded man they had encountered on the road holding his glowing dagger.

"We met him.......when we were going to National City he intercepted us on the road." Kara said, "I remember, he has a dagger that can nulify our powers while he keeps his own." Kara added to the already bad situation.

"Let's see if he can hold his dagger if I rip his heart out." Barry said speeding out of the house in the thundering boom.

He sped around the city and his top speed searching every single building in Central City looking for even the tiniest clue of his daughter.

When he came up empty he ran and punched a nearby wall out of fustration. All his pent up momentum and anger behind the punch cause the warehouse to collapse.

"Wait for me Alice." Barry whispered as he sped off again.


She slowly opened her eyes and slowly gathered in her surroundings.

"Hello dear." An endearing voice spoke as Alice looked at the older blonde woman that sat above her shoulders

"W-Where's my dad?" Alice asked

"He'll be coming soon." The woman spoke as a younger woman walked around the corner with a displeased look

"You kidnapped a small innocent child?" The woman asked clearly displeased

"This is good dear, you will get to meet your brother again if your patient." The older woman said the woman with brown hair dropped her arms

"R-Really?" She asked in disbelief as the older woman smiled and nodded.

"" Alice whispered to herself as warm tears began to slide down her cheek.

Alice never understood why she was so special. Why did she have to grow up the way she did, surrounded by white plain walls constantly being monitered, like an animal.

That was until a man came into her life and brought her to the outside world. When she met people who loved her and cared about her. Only then did she realise that these people were the only people in the world that matter to her.

Alice's strong emotional bond with Kara and Barry was as if they were biologically related, but their relationship goes far deeper than that.

As she closed her eyes and pleaded silently for her mom and dad to come save her she heard the distant crackle of thunder rumble in the sky.

She ran over to the lare window and saw a streak of red lightning tearing through the streets of Central City and barreling straight towards them.

"Dad...." Alice whispered happily to herself.

In a slit second she was outside and in a tight hug

"Hi dad." Alice whispered as Barry softly cried into his daughter's shoulder

"I'm sorry." He said as she smiled at him

"Don't be sorry." She smiled, "You found me." She said as someone floated down next to her

"Thank god you're safe." Kara said hugging her daughter, "How'd you know she was here Barr?" She asked

"I..... felt like something in my mind was pulling me here, it's like Alice projected her emotions onto me and I followed the trace back to here." He said patting her head

"You're finally here." A voice spoke out

"Who are you?" Kara asked as her eyes began to flare up.

"Moria........Moria Queen."

The Girl You Left Behind - Superflash (EDITING COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now