Trickling Time

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Ever since their fight with the man in yellow Barry's been feelings weaker and slower then ever. He gets random painful headaches and whenever he uses his speed too much it begins to feel like his skin is burning.

"Dad, are you okay?" Alice asked

"I'm fine Al." Barry smiled rubbing her head. Grace gave Alice a nickname which was 'Al' and now everyone calls her that.

"Are you sure sure?" Alice asked as he nodded again

"I promise." He said.

As she walked away he noticed his arm and saw his veins were slowly turning black. He rolled his sleeves down to cover them up and not to worry anyone else. He took a step forward but felt all his strength drain from his body like stomeone stole it.

He leaned against the wall and lifted his shirt up to see the black veins were spreading further and further throughout his body. He felt a sharp headache and began to cough into his sleeve and saw that he was coughing out blood.

"Barr, robbery downtown if you wanna intervene." Maddison said poking her head into the room as he wiped the blood of his sleeve

"I got it." He said dragging himself to his feet.

"You good?" She asked, "You look a bit pale."

"I'm fine." He said as he sped out of the house and formed his suit around his body. Even thought it felt like he was dying Central CIty still needed hope that there were people willing to help the city by any means necessary.

In and out he grabbed the criminals and sped them into Iron Heights and left the lightning bolt imprinted on the floor outside.

He let his suit vanish as he fell into a nearby alleyway while throwing up. He clutched his chest in pain as the black veins in his arms grew further.

"It hurts doesn't it?" He heard a voice taunt him. He snapped his head up and saw Belmont staring at him.

"I'm gonna kill you." Barry said. He was about to speed forwards until he dropped to his knees in pain

"Feel that? Those are negative tachyons making there way through your body and slowly killing from the inside and the more you use your speed the faster it's gonna kill you." Belmont laughed

He knelt there unable to anything as he let the news sink in.

"That man in yellow did his job well." Belmont said before leaving, "Say goodbye while you still can." He said.

Barry leaned his back against the wall as he thought about his happy future and how it was slipping through his fingers. He got back to his feet and sped back home but stopped a few houses away so he could gather his thoughts and not worry his family.

He walked back into his home and saw his daughter running towards him.

"Good job daddy." Alice said jumping into his arms. He held his hand behind his back which was covered in blood.

"Thanks sweetie." He said as he slowloy put her on her feet.

"That was so cool." Grace smiled excitedly as Barry smiled down at her, "W-What?" She asked slightly embarrased at her 'geek' moment

"Nothing, it's nice to see you smile every now and then." He chuckled as Kara walked over to them with the shining ring on her finger.

"Welcome back." Kara smiled as she gave him a hug. Barry thought about Belmont's words and how much time he had before he died but before that happened he wanted to make Kara happy and make as many memories with her as possible.

"Let's get married tomorrow." Barry whispered as she looked at him confused

"I thought we agreed to have our wedding with everyone and when the war was over." Kara said

"I know, but you never know what could happen." He said with a hint of sadness in his tone that he quickly hid away.

"I know you're worried but we can do this together and when it's all over we can have our wedding." She smiled planting a soft kiss on his cheek

Once you find out the timer on your life everything becomes so much more clearer. He realised that the world he was leaving behind wasn't the one he wanted for his family. He had vowed to himself to make the world a safer place for everyone but how can he do that without using his speed.

BUt most importantly how would his death affect his daughters, friends, parents and the person who he loved the most and was holding in his arms. He doesn't want his death to make everyone upset he wants to make sure everyone can still live their lives even after he's gone.

"Let's go on trip back to the cabin." Barry suggested, "Just me, you, Alice and Grace."

"Sounds like the perfect idea." She smiled, "I'm sure Maddison and Oliver can keep this city somewhat safe while we're gone."

"They'll be fine and if they need us we're just one phone call away."

"Yes you are, now get packing." Maddison said butting into their conversation, "Yes I was eavsdropping don't ask why." She added

"Packing?" Grace asked

"We're going on a trip!" Alice said excitedly, "Are we, are we?" She asked like an excited puppy on a leash.

"Yeah." Barry smiled

"We can try our best to keep the city safe but if you come back and it's completely frozen i think you can make the connection." Oliver said as Maddison shot ice at him.

"Wanna roll the dice on who's stronger?" She asked with an icy glow in her eyes as Oliver's eyes flashed green for a second.

"Let's go." He said as he extended his hand a knife flew into it as he got into a fighting stance. They both stopped when they saw Kara burn a whole through the knife Oliver was holding

"Try and get along." Kara said with her eyes flaring up again as Oliver and Maddsion swallowed lumps in their throats.

"S-Sorry." The mumbled as they walked off to their rooms like teenagers who were scolded by their parents.

"Are you speeding us there?" Grace asked as Barry's smiled dimmed slightly

"We should take the car, it's in the garage and had been gathering dust over the past few weeks." Kara said

"It's a curse." Barry said looking over at his fiancee as she gave him a confused look

"What is?" She asked

"Having such a beautiful and smart fiancee." Barry said causing a large smile to grow on her face.

"And I have such a handsome and caring fiancee." Kara said putting her arms around his shoulders.

She brought her lips towards him and pulled him into a passionate kiss. He savoured the kiss not knowing whether or not it would be his last. 

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