Home Sweet Home?

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Barry's fist tightened and his lightning jumped out of his fist. Kara saw this and put her hand on his fist and he felt his fist relex.

"Central City?" Oliver asked as General Belmont nodded

"Why?" Maddison asked

"Four scientists are under suspicion of treason and they have a rogue benefactor, we need these four scientists and their benefactor to be eliminated before they sell crucial infomation." Belmont said adjusting his coat and standing up from his chair, "We're counting on you." He smiled before leaving the dorm.

Kara was trying her best to calm Barry down, but she couldn't help but be angry herself her eyes were feeling hot and she felt something welling up.....but not tears. She looked at the ground and a beam of red hot energy came out and burnt a hole in the floor

"That's......new." Maddison chuckled sheepishly seeing a hole in their floor

"Woahhhhh." Alice said in amazement leaning over her dad. Kara panicked as she felt it happening again. She burnt a hole through the TV and panicked even more.

"H-Help, I can't control it." She said desperately covering her eyes with her hand only to burn her hands, "Please help!!" She yelled panicking even more which scared Alice slightly. Before Kara shot another beam, Barry hugged her and buried her face into his shoulder. Barry clenched his teeth in pain as Kara burnt through his shirt and singed his shoulder. He hugged her tightly and Kara felt herself calming down and the burning sensation in her eyes slowly fading.

"I'm right here." Barry whispered string her back as Kara pulled away and saw how badly Barry's shoulder was burnt. Tears welled up in her eyes but Barry covered it up, "It'll heal." He smiled slightly as Alice ran and hugged his leg. She jumped up and poked his forehead and he felt his pain leaving him, "Thanks." He smiled as she smiled back. Barry's wound began to cover up until it was fully healed. Maddison took Kara to the bathroom to clean her up as Barry and Alice began cleaning up the mess

"How'd you konw that would work?" Oliver asked joining in

"Just a hunch." Barry said shrugging his shoulders. Oliver smield knowing that maybe, just maybe Barry loves Kara in the way she loves him.

"Barry? What do you think of Kara?" Oliver asked as Barry stopped cleaning

"On the battlefield she's completely useless, her heart is too caring.......but that's what I love most about her." He said before leaving and Oliver wasn't sure if Barry had heard what he had said, he said what he loves most about her, who knows maybe Oliver was overthinking it.

*   *   *

For an hour Alice begged and pleaded to come to Central City with them, just one mission. Every time Barry would say no, the first time she asked, the second time she asked, the nineth time. Alice asked Oliver, Maddison and Kara but they all said the same thing.

"You'll have to ask your dad." They said not wanting to tell Alice that she can't come.

"Please dadddddddd." Alice whined for the tenth time.

"No." Barry said for the tenth time.

"Who not?" She asked pouting

"Because I said so." Barry replied

"That's not a reason." Alice mumbled

"Listen Alice honey, your dad wants you to be safe." Maddison said crouching down and patting her head

"I don't wanna be safe......I wanna be be with my dad." She said sniffling and at that comment Barry couldn't ignore her anymore

"Fine." Barry said as Alice and Maddison looked up at him, "You can come." He said making Alice's day brighten. She smiled and jumped on his back and Barry didn't need to have her powers to feel the happiness that was radiating from her.

"You're the best." She smiled. Barry helped her down to her feet and sped around the dorm and packed her a bag.

"Wait she didn't have these clothes before, did you steal these just then?" Kara asked as Barry nodded, "Barr, come on." Kara complained, "These aren't that expensive." She added

"Wanna pay next time?" Barry asked as she shook her head. Alice smiled and her gaze travelled in between Kara and Barry.

"Is everyone ready?" Maddison asked and everyone in the dorm nodded. Barry sped them one at a time to the airstrip where instead of a helicopter they had a private jet waiting for them.

"We heard Alice was coming and we wanted to make it feel more comfortable." Belmont smiled as Alice's smile grew even wider. They boarded the plane and each took a seat and Alice insisted on sitting next to her dad.

"Next stop Central City, I guess." Maddison sighed

*   *   *

The plane came to a stop on the airstrip and the door opened up. Barry walked down the steps with Alice on his back fast asleep followed by Kara, Maddison and Oliver. They were met with a black car waiting for them and they climbed in.

"Who are our targets?" Oliver asked

"Four scientists, to be honest i think this is some sort of sick joke." The informant said, "By the way my name is Tommy Merlyn." He smiled. He reluctantly handed them a folder which Barry opened

"You're joking right?" Barry asked flipping through the folder

"General Belmont has a sick sense of humour." Tommy said

"Who are they Barry?" Oliver asked

"The four scientists are Nora and Henry Allen and Jeremiah and Eliza Danvers and the benefactors is Queen family." 

The Girl You Left Behind - Superflash (EDITING COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now