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--Eight Years Later--

"What are you doing for your anniversay with mom?" Grace asked peeking her head into the kitchen

"Just a dinner with us four, that's it." Barry said

"That's all?" Grace asked

"Yup, because that's all I need." Kara said hugging her husband from behind

"Yeah, yeah." Grace sighed as crying erupted from the other room.

"I got it." Barry said speed into the room and coming back his new born son in his arms

"What did i say about speeding around with Harrison?" Kara scolded

"She said not to do that anymore dad." Grace smiled as Kara lifted her son in her arms

"Why thank you for your input Gracie." Barry said putting his daughter in a headlock as she giggled and tried to fight back.

"Only Allie can call me that." Grace said pushing him away as she swung her fist at him.

"Hey, no fightning." Kara said shooting her heat vision at Barry who barely avoided it.

"Hey..." Barry whined as Kara planted a kiss on his cheek

"I knew you'd dogde it Mr fastest man alive." Kara laughed

Eight years ago the world wide war ended due to the emergence of four meta-humans with powers beyond everyones imaginations. Barry and Kara stayed in Central City with their two daughters where they raised them like a normal family and eventually they welcomed Harrison Allen into their family. Who was named after their father figure, Harrison Wells.

Grace was fully capable of moving out and starting her own life as a junior CSI working under her dad but she loved her parents and her little sister too much to leave. She never forgot her dad who sacrificed his life to save her and Barry and she would visit his grave every month to tell him about her life but she loved Barry like her own flesh and blood.

Kara nearly lost her whole world when Barry died, but now here she is holding their son and laughing with their daughter. It turns out God did hear her prayer and did answer it by giving Barry a second chance.

"You know, we never got finish our cabin vaccation ten years ago." Barry said snaking his arm around Kara's waist.

"Mrs Grant gave me a week off to look after Harrison." Kara smiled, "And Alice has summer break in a few days."

"I can ask for a few days off work." Grace chimed in.

"So wanna do it?" He asked as Kara gave him a kiss.

"Sounds perfect."

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you more." She said resting her head on his chest. They were in peace until they heard sirens blaring in the city. 

"Everytime." Kara pouted.

"Don't worry Kara, I got this." A familiar voice said as Kara smiled at her greatfully.

"Thanks Maddie."

Maddison and Oliver decided to travel the world together since they were always stuck in Trinity and it also gave them the opportunities to help the people who suffered from the war. But they were in town and stopped by to celebrate Barry and Kara's anniversary.

"What about Ollie?" Barry asked

"You know him. Any bed he sees is pretty much his." She sighed before kissing the top of Harrison's head and leaving.

"Harrison has such a good god mother." Grace smiled.

"Slash Auntie." They heard Maddison yell.

Eight years ago marked the death of the Red Death and the birth of a new hero, the Flash.

"It's like criminals don't care about our personal lives." Barry mumbled into the top of her head

"Ew." Grace said as Kara playfully glared at her daughter.

"I'm home." Someone called out, "Mom? Dad?" She asked

"How was school Allie?" Barry asked as Alice let out a small sigh

"Dad I'm not a little kid anymore." Alice whined

"But you'll always be my little girl." He smiled as she gave her parents a hug

"I know." She smiled 

From a life growing up in a testing facility where she could only dream of having people who cared about her to now living with two loving parents, an over protective sister and a baby brother was like a dream come true for her.

"And besides only Gracie can call me that." Alice said crossing her arms over her chest as she high fived her older sister.

"Wow, I see how it is." Barry mumbled

"Cheer up dad." Alice giggled hugging his side

"That's my husband." Kara said lifting Alice up by her collar.

"I love you too mom." Alice smiled as Kara dropped to her feet.

 "I can't stay mad at my cute daughter." Kara mumbled pinching her ear softly. Harrison started to cry loudly until Alice placed her hand over his forehead.

Harrison started to giggle and reached his hands out to his sister as Kara handed him over to Alice.

"You know dad, it feels like yesterday I was at that lab....all alone. Then a strange man came in with a dark red suit on." Alice chuckled to herself, "Then he saved me and then I met all of you." She smiled.

"Thank you for saving me." Alice said smiling 

"You saved me as well. If you hadn't been there that day I would of died as well. You protected me and treated me as your own daughter even though you didn't have to. Thank you." Grace smiled. Even though he was a fully adult man hearing his daughters say that made him feel like crying.

"Don't cry." Kara chuckled as Barry turned around and wiped his eyes quickly before turning back around to face them.

"I love you guys." He smiled as his daughters and wife hugged him.

The girl he had left behind in his pursuit to keep everyone safe ended up being the one who saved him from the darkness of himself. His powers were born from darkness and despair, now he runs to save his city, his home and his family.

"We love you too dad." Alice said smiling

(A/N: That wraps up another story, i really like this one but it did start off kinda rocky. Lemme know any final thoughts on this story and i hope you guys enjoyed it as much as i did. Thank you for voting, commenting and viewing. See you guys later in another story :)

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