Not Alone Anymore

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Kara was stitting in the waiting room of a hospital waiting for the news on Alice's condition. On the TV she kept hearing about the monster with red lightning, the person who killed an entire army by themself, not once did she hear someone thank him for saving everyone and that pissed her off.  She thought back to what Barry had said to her before he sped them to a hospital

"This is why I kept you out of it."

She kept thinking if she can actually handle what Barry does, if she can stomach killing people. Being by his side is all she has ever wanted but right now it just looks like a dream and not the. future.

"Ms Danvers?" A nurse asked as Kara stood up

"How is she?" Kara asked worriedly

"She's stable, we gave her some meds for the pain, she should be fine to leave in two to three days." The nurese said as Kara let out a sigh of relief, "Does she have any parents?" The nurse asked

"Uhhhh, yeah......Barry Allen." Kars stuttered as the nurse nodded and walked away. Kara sighed and fell back onto a chair.

"How is Alice?" She heard a voice ask. She looked up and saw Barry, but his eyes were back to how they were before.....lifeless.

"S-She's doing okay." Kara said concerned for Barry

"How are you?" Barry asked as Kara smiled slightly

"I'm okay, thanks." She smiled, "What about you?" She asked but he stayed silent as if even he didn't know the answer

"Are you going to visit her?" Kara asked

"Who?" Barry replied not even batting an eye

"Y-Your daughter." Kara said worriedly

"Oh right......I have a daughter." Barry said rubbing his eyes, "It's better if I don't visit her, I just wanted to know if she was okay." He said walking out of the hospital. Upon seeing that Kara made her mind up, she is going to become a meta-human and save Barry no matter what, even if the whole world is against her, she won't let Barry be alone anymore in this world. 

Once Barry was outside rain began to pour over the city. He stood still and let the rain embrace him. He sighed looking to the clouded sky. Ten armed soldiers blocked the entrace and exit to the hospital and all pointed their guns at Barry.

"There he is." Elling taunted

"Huh? Are you guys here to kill me?" Barry questioned

"Correct, you've become a loose canon." Elling said, "You may be fast but can you dodge ten fully automatic rifles at this range?" He asked as the men started to shoot at Barry. His lightning destroyed every bullet in the air before they could even hit him.

"My Barry.....Allen right?" Barry asked confused rubbing his head. He kept walking forward as the men kept shooting, he sped through the killed the people shooting at him. He walked up to General Elling and phased his hand through Elling's chest and crushed his heart, "My name is Barry Allen, my name is Barry.......Allen, my name is......Barry.......Allen, my name is......." Piece by piece he began losing himself over the course of six months he had forgetten how to smile, how to feel emotion, now he's forgotten his daughter's name and even his own name.

"Who was that in the hospital?"

"What was her name again?"

 "Why can't I remember, she was so important to me now I can't even recognise her."

"Why was I fighting to begin with?" 

There were all questions roaming in his broken mind like a puzzle waiting to be solved. There was an internal conflict, his need to protect the people he loves no matter what and the want to stand with them together.

He felt his strength draining from his body as he leaned against a wall and rubbed his hand down his face. When he opened his eyes he saw a man staring at him, "Who are you?" The man had injected Barry with a needle as he felt his conscienceous slip away. 


When he opened his eyes he was having the same dream as before, a bottomless ocean with a pitch black tone. The light barely breaking the surface, he felt himself sinking lower and lower in the abyss.

"I'm alone." He thought

"-arry, Barry." He heard the faint voice of someone calling out his name but he could quite place it, "Barry, Barry!!!" The voice was becoming louder and louder until he could recognise it

"Kara?" He spoke softly

"Barry, you've not alone, I'm here, Oliver's here, Maddison's here and Alice is here, we're all here for you." Kara spoke out. The light went deeper into the abyss until it was all Barry could see. 

He woke up on a medical bed in Dr Wells lab where he saw Carla and Dr Wells waiting for him.

"Where am I?" Barry asked rubbing his head

"I knocked you out with this drug, you're body is in a messed up state." Dr Wells said

"Why am I here?" He asked

"We figured out that your blood can speed up the process of making the serum for meta-humans." Carla said smiling. Barry knew that this meant and Dr Wells expected Barry to fight against it.

"As long as they want to do it." Barry sighed, "Dr Wells, I heard what you said, this world is a cruel place and they're not going to survive it if I keep sheltering them from it." He said fustrated that he couldn't keep his friends safe, fustrated that he was too weak.

"I understand, now we'll being operating." Dr Wells said leaving the lab to get Oliver, Kara and Maddison.

"Where's Alice?" Barry asked 

"She's at your dorm." Carla said

"I see." Barry sighed as he got up from the bed and sped up to his dorm. He knocked on the door and heard the plattering off feet. The door opened but when he saw no one at eye level he looked down and saw Alice hugging his waist.

Looking down at her answered all of his questions. The reason why he was fighting, why he never stopped and looked back. He was fighting to protect her smile.

"Hi dad." She smiled widely. 

He crouched down to her eyes level and saw the bandage around her arm from where the sharpnel had hit her, "Does it hurt?" He asked as she shook her head.

"I'm sorry Alice..." He said taking her into another warm hug

Alive hugged back and cried into his shirt, "Dad, can you promise never to leave me?" She begged crying her eyes out

"I'll never leave you ever, I promise" Barry said kissing her forehead. He couldn't forget about her no matter what.

"I've got something to tell you guys." Barry said once Alice calmed down slightly

"Which is?" Maddison asked impatiently

"Three more viles of the serum have been produced, I'm not gonig to forc-" Kara, Oliver and Maddison shut him up with their smiles.

"About time." Maddison smiled

"We're a team." Oliver added causing Barry to smiled genuinely for the first time in a while

"I really love you guys." Barry smiled

The Girl You Left Behind - Superflash (EDITING COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now