Lived a Villin But Died a Hero

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"Why would I help you?" Barry asked 

"My name is Orlin Dwyer and I know because you're a father as well. Help me save my daughter and I'll turn myself in, please." Cicada said slowly taking his mask off to reveal just a normal man wanting to save his daughter. Barry looked at him and saw a reflection of himself. A desperate man willing to do anything for their daughter.

"Fine, but if you betray me, I'll rip your heart out." Barry threatened.

"Fine by me." Orlin said. Barry grabbed Orlin and sped him away to a secure location away from his family.

"It'll just be me and you, no one else has to get involved." Barry said as Orlin nodded

"All I know is that Belmont has her in a blacksite that's completely off the grid and I can't find it no matter how hard a i search." Orlin said

"Until now." Barry said speeding away in a flash of dark red lightning before returning a few seconds later, "Is this her?" He asked showing Orlin a picture as he grabbed it and nodded with a small smile

"Y-Yeah, how'd you find her?" He asked confused

"I searched every blacksite in the country." Barry answered, "It's a pretty desert base, not many guards but it's located in the middle of nowhere that's probably why. But the real problem are the meta dampeners." He said.

"I can destroy those." Orlin said.

"That's not all, I have a feeling that this is a trap. Why would Belmont leave your daughter with such little protection. It doesn't make sense." Barry said

"This is the only shot I have to save my daughter, if I don't take it now Belmont will kill her." Orlin argued as Barry let out a sigh.

In a flash Orlin was in the middle of forest near a military base with Barry next to him.

"That's the base in front of us, I've already mapped out the guards and the terrian." Barry said handing him a piece of paper.

Orlin pulled his mask over his face and clutched his dagger in his hand before jumping unto the sky. He landed and crashed in the middle of the base setting off every alarm. He threw his dagger and destroyed all the meta dampeners.

Barry sped in at that moment and killed off all the guards in the base. Orlin ripped the door off the main building as a small blonde girl around the age of twelve ran into his arms.

"Daddy!" The girled cheered as Orlin embraced her.

"I'm here Gracie, I'm sorry." He whispered. Barry knew that Orlin wasn't lying at that moment. Only a father would cry those types of tears.

Their happy reunion was cut off short by slow clapping from the distance. They turned their heads and saw the devilish smile of General Belmont.

"How predictable." Belmont taunted with a smile on his face, "We knew that you would betray us Orlin, in fact our whole plan relied on that." He laughed

"Belmont I'm gonna kill you." Barry said darkly. Orlin looked at Barry and thanked god that he wasn't his enemy anymore.

"All in due time Barry." Belmont said as a dozens of armed soldiers came into the base with their guns raised. Barry felt a prick in the side of his neck from a sniper across the hill. He ripped it out of his neck and slowly felt his speed draining away.

"That'll temporarily dampen your speed, so you guys are sitting ducks now." Belmont said as Orlin stepped in front of his daughter to protect her.

"What are the odds we win this?" Orlin asked

"Without my speed, probably zero." Barry muttered.

"Kill them." Belmont ordered. As the guns fired Orlin shoved his dagger into the ground and created a forefield around them that repelled the bullets.

"This will last for a few more seconds." Orlin said as a million thoughts ran through Barry's mind. He needed to come up with a plan but he was coming up empty.

"Barry? Can I ask a favour of you?" Orlin asked

"Now's not the time." Barry replied

"You have to listen to this. It's my fault we're in this mess, I can't let your daugther grow up without a father. When I say go take Grace and get out of here as fast as possible,I can buy you some time." Orlin said

"Think about your daughter." Barry said, "She's scared and she needs you now more than ever." He finished

"I haven't been the best dad to her, but I know you will." Orlin smiled softly, "Please Barry take care of her for me.....I know I can't ask a lot of you but she's innocent." He said as Barry let out a a sigh knowing he couldn't change his mind

"I promise." He answered

"Gracie, come here." Orlin said taking his daughter into a hug, "That man is my friend.....he's going to take care of you from now on." He said with tears in his eyes as the forefield cracked from the barrage of bullets

"Be good okay?" He asked as Graced hugged her dad tightly, "I'm sorry for not always being there for you, but from now on I'll always be watching over you." He whispered.

"Okay..." Grace whispered. She was old enough to know what was going to happen.

"I love you." Orlin replied with a tearful smile

"I love you too dad." Grace smiled softly.

"Barry go!!" Orlin yelled as Barry slung Grace over his shoulder and began to run in the other direction. The forefield shattered as Barry ran as fast as he could without his speed.

Grace shut her eyes but heard the bullets flying towards them. But worst of all hearing her dad's body dropping to the floor.

Wa there no other way? Did everything always have to cost someones life? All these thoughts were flying through Barry's mind at light speed. He promised Dr Wells he would save the world and end the war but it just seems like he's fueling it.

All these negative emotions were flowing through his head until he felt tears on his back and remembered why he was running. To fufill the wish of a dying father. He felt his body become lighter as his speed returned. 

"Dad!!!!" Grace yelled as tears fell from her eyes. In a flash of red lightning they were back in Central City were Barry put Grace on her feet.

"I'm sorry for not being able to proect your dad. We may not of seen eye to eye, but I can tell he was a good person." Barry said slowing kneeling to her level.

"I-It's fine......I'm okay." Grace muttered to herself while clenching her fists.

"Gra-" Barry started but stopped when he felt her wrap her arms around him and bawl her eyes into his shirt. He felt her tears soaking into his chest and all he could do was comfort her.

Orlin Dwyer, lived a villan but died a hero.

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