The Funeral

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A week passed since that day and yet the pain is still fresh. His final moments playing through her mind like a tape on repeat. What was hardest was looking their daughters in the eyes and telling them that their dad wasn't coming home for dinner.

"Alice, come on." Grace said as Alice curled in the ball and hugged her knees. She didn't get to say goodbye, the person who saved her and the person who accepted and she didn't get to say goodbye.

"Alice sweetie, I know it's hard but we have to go." Kara whispered as Alice jumped into her arms and cried into her chest.

Alice had lost her smile. She was so happy and bright before but now since the news came out not single smile has been seen in their household.

"Why did he leave...?" Alice mumbled into Kara's chest, "He promised me that he would never leave." She said clutching her shirt tighter

"Alice, your dad died a hero. He died saving the entire city, always remember that." Kara said pinching her cheek softly as she grabbed onto her big sister's hand.

Today was the day of the funeral for Barry Allen AKA The Red Death, the hero of Central City. It was hard for Kara to even get up in the morning but she had to, she promised Barry that she would keep their family together and now Alice needs her more than ever since Alice loved Barry more than anyone, probably even more than Kara.


Henry stood their while comforting his granddaughter as Alice sobbed into his shirt. Grace tried not to cry, she lost her father once and now she lost another one. She started to look at Barry as a father figure since he was always so kind and loving towards her.

"Barry was a complicated person, he was a scary, cold, warm and a kind person." Maddison chuckled softly, "But nevertheless I loved him like my own flesh and blood and I know he did too. He was always looking out for me and wanted the best for us. I wish I told him how much I appreciated him before he passed." She finished as she wiped her eyes

"He wasn't like my brother, he was my brother. We were childish together, had fun together and made irreplacable memories together. I remember one time we got caught sneaking out of class by Dr Wells and Barry took the full blame even though it was my idea. He cared about everyone before himself and deserved the title of Central City's hero." Oliver said clutching his fists to stop himself from crying.

"To me he wasn't just Barry Allen, he was my best friend, my boyfriend and my fiancee. I've loved him ever since we were kids and that love grew and blossomed into what it is today. Without Barry I wouldn't be the person i am today, he made me better and I'll always love him. with my whole heart." Kara said as Nora wrapped her arms around her to comfort her.

They all watched as the coffin with the remaining fragment of his suit was lowered into the grave. Maddison broke into full tears as Oliver held her close, he wanted to cry but he had to be strong for Maddison, Kara and her daughters bcause if he wasn't strong who would be?


He slowly opened his eyes and saw he was in an open field with the blue sky shining over his head. He walked around the field before he saw the figure of Dr Wells smiling at him.

"Hello Barry." He smiled as Barry ran forward and hugged him

"It's not your time yet." Dr Wells said

"I-I'm sorry for not saving you." Barry said

"Don't blame yourself. You lived your life but you're not supposed to be dead Barry, you still have your whole life ahead of you." Dr Wells smiled

"Clearly not if i'm here." Barry said looking around. He heard what sounded like a thunderstorm and a tornado. He turned around and saw a blue swirl of lightning that looked like a portal.

"That's your way home Barry." Dr Wells said pointing at it, "You can either stay here and leave your family or you can go home." He said

"Dr Wells, thank you for everything you've done for us." Barry said tearily

" me Harrison." He smiled. Barry began to walk towards the portal and looked back one more time and saw every student of Trinity school waving at him and thanking him.

"I'll miss you guys." He waved as he stepped into the swirling portal of lightning.

He looked around in confusion and saw that he was back in his childhood bedroom. He wondered around the house until he saw the figure of his mother staring at a framed photo on the wall.

"M-Mom?" Barry asked

"Not quiet....I'm the Speedforce Barry." She said, "I'm what humans refer to as a God."

"So you're what? God?" He asked as Nora nodded slightly, "So why am I here?" He asked 

"So far you've been using your speed based of your hatred and anger that's why the color of your lightning was dark red but when you and Ms Danvers confessed it was orange why do you think that is?" Nora asked as Barry shrugged his shoulders

"Because that's when you used your love to fuel your speed and for that split second you managed to connect to us.....the proper Speedforce not the Negative Speedforce." She smiled

"How do I return back to my family?" He asked as Nora smiled softly at him.

"It's quite simple. Run" She said. Barry left the house and began to jog down the street as Kara flashed in his mind.

"I love you Barry." He heard Kara whispered.

"To me he wasn't just Barry Allen, he was my best friend, my boyfriend and my fiancee."

"He cared about everyone before himself and deserved the title of Central City's hero."

"But nevertheless i loved him like my own flesh and blood and i know he did too. He was always looking out for me and wanted the best for us."

He could hear their voices. The voices of the people he held dearest.

"Dad i miss you."

He felt a rush of lightning surge throughout his body and saw orange lightning dancing around his body. He smiled before speed out of the Speedforce as Nora watched in happiness.

All of his happiest memories played around him like a movie.

"Nope, you're my dad now." Reminding him of the day he adopted Alice 

"Take care of my daughter for me please." The day he met Grace but lost Orlin

"Yes, yes I'll marry you!!" The day that Kara agreed to marry him 

He saw a white light before appearing in the middle of Central City.

"I'm home." He smiled

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