Pop the Question

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Kara waited patiently for what felt like weeks for Barry to pop the question after he woke up but he never did. Every time they made eye contact her heart would flutter like they were back in highschool. It even got to the point where she would avoid him to stop herself from asking about the ring. She hated it because she could see the confusion in his eyes when she would dodge or avoid a hug.

She was standing in the kitchen making food for Alice when Barry snuck up on her, "Why are you avoiding me?" He asked startling her

"B-Barry, hey...." She said trying to walk away until he flashed in front of her.

"What did I do wrong?" He asked softly holding her hand, "Tell me please, I'll make it up to you." He said looking at with genuine hurt in his eyes.

"It's not about what you have done, it's about what you haven't done." Kara answered

"That makes no sense." Barry said slightly confused

"Nevermind, forget about it." She sighed trying to walk away.

"It's clearly bothering you so tell me Kara." He said grabbing onto her hand

"I don't wanna talk about it!" Kara yelled

"You were the one who told me to never bottle things in and that we always have people who we can talk to." Barry said holding her hands, "So talk to me." He asked

"I saw the ring in your dresser." Kara mumbled as Barry

"It was suppose to be a suprise." Barry said 

"Why haven't you done it yet?" She asked

"I wanted to ask you when we were done with this war, so we could get married in peace." He said softly, "Because you deserve the best."

Kara smiled at his gentle and warm touch and gave him a passionate kiss, "I don't need a fancy wedding or proposal, i just want that ring on my finger." She smiled. Barry smiled before speeding away and coming back with the ring in his hand.

"This is very long overdue, but Kara Danvers.....will you mar-" He was mid sentence when a red flash of lightning burst through their door and sped around the room before stopping directly infront of Barry. 

"I promised I would kill you Barry." He threatened. He grabbed Barry's collar and flashed out of the house and into the city. Barry found his footing and vibrated out of his grip and sped away.

The man in yellow chased after him only to be met with a red lightning bolt to the chest. He saw Barry's lightning clinging to me like a suit of armour until a metalic like armour formed around his body. The man in yellow tried to run away but Barry had zapped his speed away for a split second.

"This is your end." Barry said said as he was about to vibrate his hand and kill him but the man in yellow managed to escape.

"You asshole, he was about to propose!!!!" Kara yelled shooting her heat vision at him and hitting him directly in the chest as the floor around them froze.

"What?" Maddison asked confused as she froze the man in yellow, "He was?!" She asked as her and Oliver arrived on an ice slide.

"Really?" Oliver asked.

"Yes and this idiot interupted." Kara said pointing at the man in yellow as he stood up with his vibrating red eyes.

"Never mess with my family." Barry said throwing him to the ground.

"I-I was supposed to be the fastest." The man in yellow stuttered.

"So was I. But I realised that you can't accomplish anything alone." Barry said. The man in yellow was about to speed off until he noticed his legs frozen in place and two arrows in his legs.

In an instant he saw his vision blur and Barry directly infront of him with his hand through his chest. He looked up and saw the cold and unwavering look in Barry's eyes as his vision completely faded to black.

"Where did he come from?" Maddison asked

"My guess is Belmont." Barry said as Kara nervously tapped his shoulder

"Um, can we pick up where we left off?" She asked as he smiled and took her hands in his.

"I love you Kara Danvers. You changed my life and made me a better person and without you I wouldn't be the person I am today. Thank you for loving me for so long." He said as tears fell from her cheeks. They looked around and saw small snowflakes falling from the sky and saw Maddison shrug slightly.

"Thank me later." She mouthed to Barry before her and Oliver walked away.

"Kara Danvers, will you marry me?" Barry asked as Kara jumped into his arms and smashed her lips onto his.

"I love you so so so much." She smiled tearily, "So yes. Yes I'll marry you." She whispered as he held her up in his arms as they gazed into eachothers eyes

"We can figure everything out late, for right now, let's get married." Barry smiled as he held Kara bridal style and sped home.

When they arrived home they were both met with a hug from Maddison.

"Are you guys finally engaged?" Maddison asked as Kara held her hand up to show the ring. Maddison squeeled in excitement as she jumped up and down.

"Took you long enough Barry." Oliver said putting his arms around their shoulders.

"Dad and mom are getting married." Alice giggled from the couch as she stood up and ran over to them. He crouched down and lifted her onto his shoulders.

Grace never in her life had never seen such a bright and happy family in such a dark world. And this was a family she could call her own.

"Congrats." Grace smiled as Kara pulled her into a hug which caught her by suprise.

"S-Sorry, i'm just really excited." Kara said letting Grace go until Grace hugged her again and smiled into her chest

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