Truth and Hatred

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Kara and Oliver lost their words. Their targets were their own parents, sure Oliver and Kara had hated their parents and they haven't forgiven them but they don't want to kill them. While Barry on the other hand looked normal, as if nothing aobut this mission was different from any others.

"Dad are they your mom and dad?" Alice asked.

"Yeah." Barry said as Alice tugged his shirt

"Can I meet them?" She asked excitedly

"Maybe next time." Barry said smiling and rubbing her head. Everyone saw through Barry's smile. On the inside he felt something he hasn't in a long time.......fear. He felt his hands shaking ever so slightly. Kara put her hands on his and he felt his breathing slow down and his hands stopped shaking. He looked at Kara and she had a bright smile on her face. Wanting to protect her smile is the reason he joined Project Ace, but she ended up giving him his smile back.

"Thank you Kara." 

"So what do we do Barry?" Oliver asked.

"We'll see what they have to say for themselves, if they are purposely endangering innocent people then we'll stop them." Barry said as the car began to move.

The whole car ride was silent besides Kara who was humming because Alice had fallen asleep on her lap. Kara smiled as she ran her fingers through Alice's silky blonde hair and her mind wondered to what it would be like if Alice called her 'mom'. Kara immediately started to blush uncontrollably.

"We're here." Tommy said winding in his window down. It was Barry's childhood home. The home that had abandoned him. Barry couldn't tell what he was feeling, anger, sadness, fear or something else entirely. He got out of the car and began walking up the drive-way. 

"Can I do this alone?" He asked as everyone nodded while Alice was still asleep in Kara's lap, "Thank you."

He imagined this moment ever since he could remember. What he would say to his mom and dad who abandoned him. He tried to find it in himself to forgive them and move on but he couldn't. He brought his hand up to the door and knocked and waited for what felt like an eternity.

"Hello?" Nora Allen said opening the door. She saw who was standing there and there was no doubt about it. Nora immediately felt tears welling up in her eyes and she covered her mouth in shock.

He tried to speak but nothing came out, "B-Barry....?" She asked. 

He finally managed to re-gain himself and his composure, "What are you working on." Barry said hiding his emotions behind his face.

"W-What do you mean?" Nora asked with a mixture of shock and confusion.

"You, Henry Allen, Jeremiah and Eliza Danvers and the Queen family, what are you working on?" Barry asked again. 

"What do you want to know?" Nora asked 

"Why I was sent here to kill you." Barry said as Nora's face dropped even further.

"Harrison Wells said this was for the best, that he would take care of my son." Nora said tearily

"He did, for all those years that you and dad weren't there." Barry answered

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, I didn't think we had a choice." Nora cried into her hands.

"There's always a choice! You just didn't look or care to find one." Barry replied back to her tears

"You don't understand Barry, we loved you. Your father and I loved you more than anything in this world. You will understand when you have a child or someone you love more than anything else." Nora said wiping her eyes. Barry's thoughts moved to Alice, his daughter who he loves more than anything, ene thought he has yet to tell her.

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