Last Goodbye

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"Your parents." Nora said as Maddison felt her heart contract. All her life she grew up from foster home to foster home until she had no place where she could call home. She grew up thinking her parents didn't want her or didn't like her. But hearing that they died hurt more than she'd ever imagine, even though she had never met them she was proud that they died protecting others.

"What were they like?" She asked wiping her eyes

"They were so bright and caring." Nora smiled

"If they were, then why did they abandon me?" She asked her happy tears being replaced with ones of sadness.

"They weren't going to, they were thrilled when they found out that they were having a daughter. But when they realised that you would be used in the Project Ace experiment, they sent you away to protect you, they didn't want you to join the war, that's how much they loved you." Nora smiled as Maddison began to cry again. Kara, Oliver, Alice and Barry all hugged her in comfort

"Also before our lab was raided they said if I ever meet Maddison, to give her this USB." Nora said. She got up and pulled a picture frame off the wall which revealed a safe. She input a code and the door opened. She pulled out a small USB and gave it to Maddison. She placed the USB in Maddison's hand who was shaking.

"How about we watch it together?" Oliver asked seeing how nervous Maddison was

"I'd like that." Maddison smiled, "When we get home though." She chuckled

"If that's what you want." Kara smiled. Barry noticed that Alice was shifting in her spot, like she wants to say something but didn't want to.

"Alice, are you okay?" Barry asked as Alice nodded and wiped her eyes. Barry crouched in front her and held onto her hands, "What's wrong?" He asked

"D-Do you think my parents loved me?" Alice asked tearily. Barry hugged her tightly and rubbed her back as she quietly sobbed into his shirt

"I love you Alice." Barry whispered, "Is that enough for you?" He asked as he felt her hands tighten on his shirt. She pulled away and smiled widely.

"I love you too dad." She said as Barry wiped her tears. This scene caused Kara and Nora to tear up, Maddison was already crying and Oliver was smiling for his best friend.

"Honey, I'm home." A familiar voice called out

"In here Henry." Nora replied. Henry hung his coat up and walked into the living room and saw five strangers in his house

"Nora? Who are they?" Henry asked concerned. Barry turned to face him and immediately Henry knew who it was

"Hey dad." Barry said as tears welled up in Henry's eyes

"Is it really you Barry?" Henry asked in disbelief slowly walking towards his son. Barry got up and hugged his dad as Henry cried with regret and shame into his son's chest

"I'm so sorry for abandoning you." Henry cried

"I forgive you." Barry smiled

"Henry, meet your granddaughter." Nora smiled as Alice hid behind Barry's leg.

"Granddaughter?" Henry asked once agin in disbelief.

"She's my adopted daughter." Barry said as Alice smiled and waved slightly at Henry

"You two look so alike." Henry chuckled wiping his tear

"Hi." Alice whispered nervously

"Nice to meet you Alice." Henry said holding ot his arms as Alice hugged him. The was a loud knock on the door and it startled Nora and Hnery. Kara used her x-ray vision and saw it was Toomy

"It's Tommy." Kara said. Barry walked to the door and opened it and saw a frantic looking Tommy

"Have you guys completed the mission yet?" Tommy asked frantically. Barry looked into the living room and at his parents then back to Tommy.

"Yeah, we have." Barry answered.

"Well you guys need to go now." Tommy said pushing past Barry and into the house, "I knew you didn't do it." He chuckled

"What's going on?" Nora asked

"We don't have enough time to explain." Tommy said. At that moment they heard several cars pull up in front of the house and it didn't take a genius to know what was going on.

"Oliver take everyone out the back door and run as far as you can I don't care if you have to steal a car just get as far away as you can." Barry said but he saw a hesitant look in Oliver's eyes, "This is a direct order, now go!!" Barry yelled. Before anyone could say goodbye or anything they were all out the back door and running.

"Barry honestly I'm disappointed." General Belmont said in the front doorway

"I never needed your approval." Barry snapped

"You know, we could of won this war had you followed orderes like you were supposed to." Belmont continued.

"Enough games Belmont!!" Barry yelled. The ground around them began to shake then lightning formed in Barry's eyes. Barry sped past Belmont and out of the house and kill all 30 armed soldiers waiting outside.

"As expected." Belmont chuckled, "But you know, I only had to stall you for a few seconds." He taunted

"No...." Barry said as he flashed past Belmont again and towards where Oliver and the group were running. When he got their he saw them being abducted and taken away. 

All Nora and Henry saw was a streak of dark red lightning surrounding the vans and then the sounds of cracking then all the soldiers were dead. When the lightning came to a stop they saw a man with lightning sparking off his body. He turned around and they saw their son standing over five dead bodies and a cold look in his eyes.

"Barry......" Nora said covering her mouth. Barry looked away unable to bare the look they were giving him an mentally preparing himself for what was coming. But the complete opposite instead happened. Nora and Henry both hugged Barry tightly.

"This is our fault isn't it, we made you into who you are today and we're sorry." Nora whispered

"As long as i can protect the people i love, I'll become anything." Barry replied hugging his parents back

The Girl You Left Behind - Superflash (EDITING COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now