Father and Daughter

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He opened his eyes and he was in a bottomless ocean encompassed by darkness and the light slowly fading. He reached out his hand but no one reached back, until five arms broke the surface of the water and touched his hand.

Barry awoke from his dream to his blaring alarm and noticed that Oliver was getting dressed and heard Kara and Maddison making breakfast. He looked around for Alice but he couldn't see her and a look of confusion and worry grew on his face. Oliver chuckled and pointed at Barry's waist. He looked down as saw Alice hugging his waist while peacfeully snoring.

"She was really worried about you." Oliver said sitting at his desk

"Thanks Alice." Barry said kissing the top of her head

"D-Dad." Alice mumbled in her sleep

"How's it feel to have a daughter now?" Oliver asked as Barry climbed out of bed and laid Alice's head onto the pillow

"It feels weird still, I mean I've been on a lot of missions lately and I've barely spent anytime with her." Barry said brushing some hair from her face as she stirred slightly in her sleep.

"It's the weekend, have some father-daughter time." Oliver smiled

"Yeah....you're right." Barry said looking over at Alice. Barry and Oliver left their room and walked into the kitchen and saw Maddison and Kara eating their breakfast.

"Where's ours?" Oliver joked

"You. Make. Your. Own." Maddison huffed

"How are you feeling Barry?" Kara asked concerned. It was only yesterday that Barry wiped out an entire army of 1000 people by himself.

"It's going to be hard for everything to go back to normal." Barry answered, "But I'm doing better." He smiled softly.

"You better not be lying to us." Maddison pointed out

"I would never." He chuckled. Barry heard light footsteps then something heavy on his back.

"Morning Dad." Alice smiled clinging to his back and resting her head on his shoulder

"Morning Alice." Barry said causing her to grumble, "What?" He asked

"In shows normally the parents call their kids, like 'honey' or something." Alice pouted earning a laugh from Maddison and Kara.

"What do you want me to call you?" Barry asked as Alice shrugged her shoulders.

"How about you call her 'sweetie'." Maddison suggested as Alice's face lit up

"Fine." Barry sighed as Alice smiled, "What do you want for breakfast........sweetie?" He asked as Oliver stifled a laugh

"Pancakes please." She asked. No one can say no when Alice says please, not even Barry. She jumped off his back and ran to the couch.

"Maybe you'll be her mom one day." Maddison whispered to Kara making her face turn bright red.

"W-W-What do you mean?" Kara asked nervously

"Mmmhhmmm." Maddison hummed with a smirk as Kara turned away from her

"Barry what'cha doing today?" Maddison asked

"I was thinking of taking Alice out to a festival, we haven't spent much time together." Barry said as Maddison bumped Kara

"Can Kara come?" Maddison asked

"Sure, if she wants." Barry smiled as Kara's face went even redder

"I-I'd like that." Kara said smiling as Alice ran over to Barry

"Are they done yet?" She asked impatiently

"Not yet sweetie." Barry said as she pouted. All of a sudden calling Alice 'sweetie' feels so natural to him. Alice jumped onto Barry's back and wrapped her legs around his waist and rested her head against his. Upon contact Alice felt all of Barry's pain was still there but so was a hint of happiness. She smiled and hugged him tighter, Barry knew all along that Alice was easing his emotions and couldn't be more greatful for her.

Barry flipped the last pancake and served a bug stack of pancakes to Alice, whose eyes were practically glowing with excitement. While she was eating there was a knock at the door which Barry answered

"Hey Dr Wells." Barry greeted

"Good to see you're doing better Barry, may I have a word with you?" He asked

"Sure." Barry said as he exited the dorm and closed the door.

"We're moving forward with Project Ace." Dr Wells said

"What do you mean?" Barry asked confused

"I mean that three more viles of the serum are being prepared." Dr Wells said

"No, no, no, no, you promised as long as I did it, they wouldn't have to." Barry said firmly

"You can't keep doing this alone, even you can't handle this burden." Dr Wells argued

"I'll figure out a way." Barry said stubornly

"You're being selfish Barry." Dr Wells asked, "All they do when you're away is worry about you, they spend all night wondering if you're okay. Your actions are effecting other people around you, not just Oliver, Kara, Maddison and Alice, but your other friends and classmates." Dr Wells finished

"This school has been raided once already. Someone needs to be able to protect them, even if they worry about me. It's better then being dead." Barry said clenching his fists

"Don't protect them from the war, prepare them for the war." Dr Wells said before leaving. Barry let out a deep sigh before entering the dorm again.

"Dad are we going to a festival?" Alice asked excitedly

"Yeah, get dressed." Barry said as Alice nodded and ran away

"Dad can you help me pick something?" She whined. Barry sighed and went to help her.

"Somethings wrong." Oliver said

"What do you mean?" Maddison asked

"He may say he's fine, he may look fine, but you know Barry, he hates talking about things that bother him or his emotions." Oliver finished

"I agree." Maddison said rubbing her chin

"I want to believe he's okay, I really do but we have to look at the facts." Oliver said while Kara stayed silent

"As long as we're there for him, he'll be okay." Kara said standing up from her seat and walking to her room to get dressed. Alice came running back with Barry behind her.

"Is Kara coming?" Alice asked as Barry nodded causing Alice to smile. Every now and then Alice sneaks around and feels peoples emotions because she gets bored when Barry's in class or on missions. She poked Kara's forehead and she felt a huge rush of love when someone mentioned Barry's name.

"Let's go." Kara smiled. The three left the dorm leaving Maddison and Oliver alone and still worrying about Barry. As they were walking down the hallway General Elling stepped out of the elevator.

"Where are you off to Flash?" Elling chuckled

"This isn't the best time." Barry said with a cold tone

"We've got a mission for you." Elling said. 

"Outta my way." Barry said pushing past him but Elling grabbed his shoulder. Barry looked Elling in the eye with his dark red lightning crackling in his eyes. Elling quickly removed his hand and backed off letting Barry, Kara and Alice into the elevator.

"Are you sure you shouldn't go on that mission?" Alice asked sadly as Barry patted her head

"No, I just........wanna spend time with my daughter." Barry said as Alice smiled widely having heard the first time Barry ever called her his daughter which made her really happy.

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