The Ice Calamity

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She sighed as she threw another frozen watter bottle against the floor. She put her head in her hands on let out a groan.

"How did you learn to use your powers Barry?" Maddison asked with pleading eyes

"I just sorta.....did." Barry said earning an unimpressed look from Maddison, "Our powers are totally different I can't help you." He finished

"Can you give me a tip at least?" She asked

"Focus on what you are trying to do and nothing else." Barry suggested taking a sip of his water and walking away.

"Hmmmmm." Maddison said scrunching her eyebrows before giving up and plating her face onto the table. She felt someone hug her and looked up.

"Are you okay?" Alice asked as Maddison smiled and rubbed Alice's head

"I'm fine thank you." She smiled as Alice nodded and smiled as well

"Maddison, why doesn't dad play with me anymore?" Alice asked sadly

"You're dad is.....complicated, but he loves you a lot." Maddison said making Alice smiled again

"Does he love me?" She replied as Maddison nodded again. 

"A lot. He may not say it, but he does, I promise." She smiled and nodded before wandering off again.

"Okay focus." She murmered to herself. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She felt her surroundings becoming cooler and colder, she opened her eyes and saw that the entire chair and table had been frozen.

"Oops." She said cringing.

"How's training?" Oliver asked but stopped walking upon seeing the frozen table and chair, "Not good I assume?" He chuckled

"This is so stupid." She sighed rubbing her head.

"It's not hard." Oliver joked.

"Shut up." Maddison said flicking her hand towards him and shooting an icicle past his head, "That......was an accident." She said sheepishly as Oliver took it out of the wall and chucked it back

"Practice your aim." He said before walking off. 

After hours and hours later of her practicing her aim and freezing things she heard a conversation between Barry and someone else.

"She isn't ready." Barry said to the person, "She can barely freeze a cup of water." He argued

"Doesn't matter, one of our most important bases is about to be attacked by an army of 100 000 and not even you can fight an army that big, you'll need help." A commanding man's voice said

"Fine, but Maddison only, Oliver and Kara still need a but more training, and know that if anything happens to Maddison, you'll be the first one I kill." Barry threatened

"Very well, I accept your conditions." He said. Barry walked away from the man and turned the corner to see a very nervous and scared Maddison

"I'm going on a mission?" She asked scaredly. Barry nodded and hugged her

"I'll support you no matter what." He whispered. This was the reason she became a meta-human in the first place, in order to help Barry carry his burden.

"When do we leave?" She asked.

*   *   *

Three days later and Maddison, Barry and the man that was revealed to be General Belmont were on a helicopter to the hell of a battlefield where the fighting had already started. An all out war between the US military and an alliance of three countries was bound to have many casulities, but no one predicted that Russia, one of the three countries had developed bleeding-edge enhanced suits for it's soldiers which increased their physcial abilities. US soldiers were being slaughtered one after another and they were bound to lose.

"If we lose here, we'll be wiped out of this war, do you understand?" General Belmont said as Barry and Maddison nodded. Over the three days leading up to the battle Barry trained Maddison, not her body but her mind to deal with what she had to do, which as kill without mercy.

"Remember our training." Barry said as she nodded and froze her fears deep within. 

"We're counting on you, Allen." General Belmont said, "Or should I say Red Death." He said as Barry looked at him with his cold eyes. Barry's lightning began to crackle all over his body until he was in his crimson red and midnight black metallic suit. He picked up Maddison bridal style who had a leather suit on which had an ice symbol in the middle, it was pretty rushed and jumped out the back of the helicopter. They landed on the floor with a crash.

"Run!!!" The enemy soldiers yelled as they began to retreat expect the ones wearing the advanced suits. One of them came chargin forwards at Barry and tried to punch him. Barry swerved and shattered the armour plate in one hit. He let out a sigh and took a deep breath, once he released his breath all of the advance suits began to fall apart and short circut.

"Maddison, don't be afraid." Barry assured as she nodded and tucked her fears deeper within herself, "This is a big battlefield with nothing but enemies, don't worry about accuracy."

"W-What about you?"

"I'll be fine. Now show them why Oliver calls you 'The Ice Calamity'"

"Who's she!?" The soldiers yelled with fear as her eyes glowed white.

"A friend." She said sarcastically as the entire battlefield was encompassed with ice. Their legs were frozen in place with fear in their eyes. Barry sped through the battlefield and killed the 10 000 people using the advanced suits in a few seconds.

"What now?" Maddison asked

"We go after the ones that ran." He said

"Wait, they ran away, they're not going to fight anymore, why do we have to kill them?" She asked

"Because, they attacked first." Barry said before picking her up and speeding off. The ice around began to melt and sink into the ground littered with bodies. All that was left was 90 000 enemy soldiers versus, two meta-humans. 

Barry stopped outside a very large military base which housed the rest of their army. Maddison slowly floated up into the air until she was overlooking the base. She raised both her hands and let out a storm of icicles all over the base. The screams of terror and death rang through the base, which Maddison hated. She closed her eyes and tried to drown out the sound until it was too much for her to handle. She fell from the sky and Barry caught her.

"You did well, let me take it from here." Barry whispered putting her onto the floor and flashing into the base and killing the remaining five soldiers.

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