Family Affairs

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"Moria Queen?" Kara asked as the middle aged woman nodded with a smile.

"How I've wanted to meet you, Barry." Moria smiled, "Kara Danvers and Alice." She finished

"You're Ollie's mom aren't you?" Barry asked as she nodded, "Just because you're his mom don't think I won't kill you right here and now for touching my daughter." He said cracking the floor around him with his lightning.

"I just wanted to talk to me son." Moria said looking around for Oliver, "Where is he?" She asked

In a split second and in a flash of lightning he was standing right in front of her.

"Barry what the hell?" Oliver questioned.

"Ollie......." He heard a voice say. A voice he would recognise anywhere even after all these years.

"Speedy......." Oliver said seeing his younger sister in tears. She ran over and jumped into his arms and cried into his shoulder

"It's really you." Oliver whispered hugging his sister tightly

"Daddy, who's that?" Alice whisper tugging on Barry's shirt

"That's Ollie's little sister." Barry replied as a smile grew on his face.

"I missed you so much." Thea smiled hugging her brother.

"I missed you too Speedy." Oliver chuckled.

"My dear son." Moria said stepping closer. Out of instinct Oliver pulled his sister away from their mom and put his arm in front of her.

"Barry, take Thea, Alice and Kara away." Oliver asked. Barry knew what it meant. He sped of with Kara, Thea and his daughter leaving only Oliver and Moria.

"What do you want?" Oliver asked

"I just wanted to see my son again." Moria said with a smile.

"Why.......Why now after all these years?" Oliver asked

"Because you're the only person who can protect Thea." Was all that Moria said

"I'll protect her not because you said but because she's my family." Oliver answered, "Anyway who is the man with the knife?" Oliver asked

"We call him......Cicada. His knife as you know can nullify your powers. The perfect meta-human killer." Moria said with a hint of fear in her voice

During their conversation Oliver heard the distant sound of crackling thunder. He knew instantly that Barry wasn't going to forgive Moria for taking his daughter away.

"Good luck." Oliver waved as he walked away not feeling any sympathy towards his own mother.

She didn't feel sympathy for all the people she hurt, all the families that suffered because of her selfish decisions.

Moria was watching her son walk away and the next thing she knew she was being dangled off a building by her collar.

"My daughter is pretty shaken up right now." Barry said in a menacing tone, "My girlfriend was terrified." He continued on.

"You had no reason to involve my her in this." He said staring at her ass he looked at him with fearful eyes.

She watched as he slowly released his hand and felt the rush of wind under her. She was free falling for about ten seconds and accepted what was going to happen until she felt herself slowing down. She opened her eyes and saw the bright blue eyes and glowing blonde hair of none other than Kara Danvers.

"I save you once, don't expect me to do it again." She said before flying off.

Moria was speechless but thankfully knew that her son was in good hands.


"Oh thank god you're okay." Maddison said running over and lifting Alice into her arms and giving her a hug. Alice giggled slightly before hugging back.

"So.....Ollie." Thea said awkwardly.

"Oh right, Thea this is Maddison, Kara, Barry and their daughter Alice." Oliver said pointing to each of them.

"So this was like your family growing up?" Thea asked sad that she missed out on such a big part of her brother's life

"Yeah, but Speedy, you'll always be my favourite." Oliver said putting his arm around her shoulder.

Kara looked over at Barry and gave a small nod. He put something behind his back and called Alice over.

"Yeah dad?" She asked running over. He knelt down in frnot of her and put on hand on her shoulder.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me Alice, happy birthday." Barry smiled handing her a present, "I love you." He said. 

She stood their holding the present in her hands and was completely speechless. It took her a few seconds to comprehend and when it did tears came to her eyes and a large smile grew on her face.

Kara, Maddison and Oliver each handed her a gift and each one made her smile grow even more. She was in full tears by now and couldn't contol herself.

She latched onto Barry in a tight hug and cried into his chest.

"I love you to dad, thank you.......thank you....." She whispered as Barry hugged her back. He looked over and motioned Kara to join in as well.

Kara and Barry stood their hugging their daughter as she cried tears of joy. Never in her life has she ever recieved any sort of gift from anyone.

"I have the best mom and dad in the world." Alice smiled brightly.

The Girl You Left Behind - Superflash (EDITING COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now