The Red Death

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Barry, Alice and Kara were walking through the streets towards the festival, but along the way Alice kept getting side tracked seeing as it was her first time out. While she was running ahead she accidently bumped into someone head on. She fell onto the floor while rubbing her head.

"Watch where you're going kid." A deep voice said. Alice looked up and saw the towering man she bumped into.

"Leave her alone." Barry said grabbing his collar and pushing him up against a wall. The man felt goosebumps across his entire body upon looking into Barry's eyes. Barry let go and the man quickly ran away.

"Are you angry with me?" Alice asked sadly

"No, please be careful, next time, okay?" Barry asked patting her head as she smiled and nodded. Kara smiled seeing a new side of  Barry that she has never seen before. Alice held onto Barry's hand and smiled when she held onto Kara's hand as well. Kara's face went a deep red causing Alice to giggle.

Upon arriving at the festival Alice's eyes lit up with happiness and excitement. She ran around the festival faster than Barry could keep up. She dragged Kara around to place all the games with her since Barry refused. 

"Let's play this one." Alice said excitedly as Kara nodded. While Barry was sitting on the bench and watching he felt something cold run down his spine. He looked around in the sky and saw five bright lights, slowly getting bigger and bigger until, boom. 

Missles struck the ground causing explosions all over the festival, screams were heard of the people unlucky enough to be caught in the fires. The missles were endless and rained upon the city. Barry was frantically searching for Kara and Alice and saw them huddled in a corner.

"Hey are you guys okay?" Barry asked as Kara slowly nodded.

"D-Dad?" Alice asked hazily as Barry brushed her face

"I'm here." He said holding her close

"My arm hurts." Alice whispered. Barry looked and saw a piece of shrapnel in her arm.

"Kara, follow me, I'll clear a path and....make sure she's safe." Barry said as Kara nodded

He turned around pulling out his ring and slipping it on his finger. Armed soldiers stormed the festival all raising their guns and shooting down any civilians in their way. Kara held Alice bridal style as she followed Barry to find a way out of the chaos. Until they were swarm with soldiers.

"Kara close your eyes." Barry said as Kara nodded. He extended his hand and sped into his suit with crackles and sparks of crimson red lightning. Those who sin and those who don't equally, their lives were taken one by one. With every dark red flash of light another life was taken. For those who had enough time to realise what was happening they had realised that they sighed their death contract.

"D-Dad." Alice whispered seeing flashes of lightning and screaming. Kara opened her eyes and saw Barry standing in the middle of a field of corpses.

"B-Barry?" Kara asked worriedly seeing the blood covering his suit. Her bright image of Barry had just shattered in front of her eyes. Now she knows what she meant when he said things can never go back to normal.

"Now you why I kept you out of it." Barry said, "Hold onto her tightly" He sped Kara and Alice to a near by hospital and sped back to the festival to finish what the enemy started. Barry ran around the city and found in a nearby forest outside the city three missle launchers surrounded by dozens of soldiers.

"He's here!!!!" A soldier yelled pointing towards Barry as he made his way through the bushes. Wiht no hesitation they began firing their weapons at him in hopes of killing him, but to no avail. Barry caught every single bullet in his hand and dropped them on the floor like coins.

"Gentleman I hate to inform you,'re all dead." Barry said cracking his neck and in a split second all the men dropped to the floor. He put his hand on the missle launcher and short circuted it and blew it up. He walked away from the burning machine and burning corpses with his lightning echoing through out the forest and clinging to his suit.

*   *   *

From inside his lab Dr Wells watched in fascination as he injected a prototype serum in a rat and the 'meta-rat' evolved, having grown bigger, larger teeth, claws and a longer tail. Then he wondered if it was possible if a meta-human could evolve.

"Dr Wells look at this." Carla said as a news report captured footage of a man in dark red and black metallic suit with matching crimson red lightning bouncing off his body walking through the burning streets. His mask covered his entire face, but one thing told Dr Wells who it was, the white lightning symbol on his chest.

"Who is it?" Carla asked

"Carla, I hypothesized that it was indeed possible for a creature with the meta gene can evolve if enough requirements are met, it seems my hypothesis was correct." Dr Wells smiled

"What do you mean?" Carla asked

"That is Barry Allen, he's an evolved meta-human." Dr Wells said, "It appears that his lightning has surrounded him and attached to his suit forming that suit of armour." He finished

"Is he still on our side?" Carla asked

"I'm not sure." Dr Wells answered

"You mentioned requirements needed to be met in order for the evolution to happen." Carla said

"I did, I just didn't know what they were until now. The dark matter has to bond the hosts cells fully before an evolution and an increase in a rapid increase in their emotions probably is what triggered it, for Barry he's been a meta-human for six months which is plenty enough time for the dark matter to bond as for his emotions he loves his friends and daughter very much and seeing them hurt is what triggered his evolution." Dr Wells finished

"By evolution what do you mean?" Carla asked

"During an evolution the body itself doesn't change nor does the personality, only the powers, they grow stronger, more destructive and more versatile." Dr Wells concluded, "In Barry's case, i assume he's become much faster and stronger." He said, "Right now if he wishes he could wipe out an entire country, this could be bad." Dr Wells said rubbing his eyes

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