Destruction Arrives

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The rain around the mansion began to become heavier and heavier until that was the only thing you could hear. The road leading up the mansion's gates froze over, the ice was giving off an ominous mist that eventually encompassed the whole mansion. The guards at the front of the gate tried to squint their eyes to get a better look into the mist only the see two arrows then darkness.

"Kara, Oliver, take out the guards on the south and east, if you slow us down.....I'll kill you myself." Barry said coldly sending shivers down their spines.

"K-Kill us?" Kara asked nervously

"Don't hold me back and you won't have to find out if I'm lying or not." Barry said disappearing in a flash of lightning that lit up the night sky.

"H-He's joking right?" Maddison asked. There wasn't time to discuss as Kara and Oliver rushed into the mist and towards the base to make sure they complete their mission. Oliver ran through and shot arrows at seeminly random points in the mist only to hear people falling off the roofs and people dropping their guns. Kara n the other hand was hovering out of sight using her x-ray vision and knocking out her targets. Out of Barry, Maddison and Oliver, Kara was always against violence and tried to solve her problems without turning to violence, this was no different. Barry was leaning against a wall out of sight and sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He flashed through and killed all the people that Kara had knocked out.

"W-Why did you kill them, they were unconscience, they couldn't fight!!" Kara exclaimed with a mixture of fustration and confusion in her voice. Barry flash directly in front of her as she hovered down onto the floor with his hand vibrating right above her chest.

"I wouldn't of had to kill them, if you had killed them first." Barry said with a dangerous tone

"I never wanted to kill." Kara whispered sadly

"I know....I know." Barry said as he stopped vibrating his hand and his tone softened slightly. Barry preferred to keep his mask off as it was a sign of respect for his victims and he would keep it off even during missions. He had no reason to protect his identity anymore.

"Barry? Can I fight in this war without killing?" Kara asked desperately

"Look around you and you'll find your answer." He said before leaving Kara, Oliver and Maddison with their thoughts.

"I can barely recognise him anymore." Maddison said fearfully

"That's our fault for letting him do this by himself." Oliver said shamefully

"Thank god for Alice, without her Barry might of lost himself already." Maddion chuckled softly as the windows of the mansion flashed with dark red lightning

"Have you finished your objective Oliver?" Kara asked as Oliver nodded

"All that's left now is for Barry to do his thing." He replied taking his hood off and letting out a breath which was visible because of the cold.

Barry flashed into the room with the most guards surrounding it and sped past them and a second later they all dropped dead. He kicked the door down and saw someone cowering behind his desk. Barry vibrated his hand and crouched in front of the desk with a piece of wood seperating them. He phased his hand through the desk and into the man's chest. He ripped his hand out and left the room with his footsteps echoing through the empty mansion. He exited the mansion to see Oliver, Kara and Maddison waiting for him.

"Barry, I'm sorry for not following orders. I promise it won't happen aga–" Kara said sadly

"If you're not ready then stay home." He said with a softer tone and patting her head before walking further away.

"He's a mystery." Maddison sighed.

"No one will ever understand him." Oliver agreed, "Expect....." He said looking over at Kara who was smiling as the fog cleared and the clouds parted and a ray of light radiated on the four of them.

*   *   *

Barry, Oliver, Kara and Maddison arrived back at Trinity and the news spread of the Russian government being taken out in one night. Riots erupted all over the country and the country was on the verge of collapse. All because they picked a fight with the wrong country.

"Dad, come play with me." Alice smiled tugging on his arm

"Why?" Barry replied confused

"Because.......I'm bored and you're never home." She whined stomping her foot.

"Sorry." He whisped taking her into a hug. She wiped her tear and hugged back and felt a nice warmth being in her dad's arms. He pulled apart and smiled at her and patted her head as she smiled back and ran away.

"I love you dad." Alice whispered under her breath. Barry from his chair felt a warm feeling in his chest that he feels around Kara, but he couldn't figure out what it was. His phone started to ring and he looked at the caller and saw it was General Belmont.

"Hello?" He answered the call

"Hey Barry, I heard the news of your most recent mission, good job." General Belmont said with a rather chiper tone

"I don't need your praise." Barry replied

"Also I heard about thousands of Russian citizens being taken from their homes by a 'red streak'"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Coincidently those people lived in the most dagerous parts of Russia and were more likely to be affected by the Government's downfall."

"Beats me."

"Anyway, I've got another mission for you for." He said

"Where?" Barry asked

"Central City."

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