Defection and Confession

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Birds chirping and leaves crunching were the only thigns that were heard from miles away. As the car drove over the rocky path up a forest and beside a stream that reflected the sunlight.

"Are we nearly there yet?" Alice asked impatiently

"Not yet honey." Nora chuckled. Alice pouted and crossed her arms over her chest. After the events that transpired in Central City Nora and Henry suggested that everyone hide put in their cabin until the heat on them cools down. But against everyones wishes Barry stayed behind an extra day in Cnetral City to make sure they weren't gonna be followed.

"We're here now." Henry chuckled as Alice jumped out of the car and nearly fell because her legs were tired.

"Whoop." Kara chuckled catching Alice and smiling at her.

"Thanks Kara." Alice waved as she ran towards the cabin excitedly.

"Such a bright young girl, isn't she." Nora smiled

"Yeah, she helped not just Barry, but everyone during our dark times, without her iIdon't know what would of happened to Barry." Kara said looking over at Alice.

"Kara, can you tell me if the currnet Barry is the Barry that you fell in love with?" Nora asked as Kara's face immedaitely went beet red and she got flustered

"W-W-What are you talking about?" She asked frantically

"It doesn't take a genius to see that you're in love with my son." Nora chuckled

"Is it really that obvious?" Kara said nervoulsy as Nora laughed and nodded, "The truth is I've been in love with Barry since we were kids. I don't know how to describe it, just because I didn't fall in love with this Barry doesn't mean I love him any less. Everything we've been through recently shows me how much I actually need him." She said holding her chest

"Need him or want him?" Nora wordered curiously

"I-Is it selfish of me to say both?" Kara asked.

"You know Barry, he always puts up walls around him. Now it seems like he has even more walls." Nora said sadly, "But no matter how many walls he puts up, you'll some how manage to break through every single one of them." She smiled

"T-Thanks." Kara said embarrased. She always hated talking about her love for Barry. Everyone thought that her love was one-sided, that Kara was a dreamer. That couldn't be further from the truth, some part of Barry always hated seeing Kara talk to other guys and would get a tight feeling in his chest whenever a guy mentioned Kara's name. He pushed his feelings of.........whatever they were and never bothered to sort out his feelings.

*   *   *

After ten laps all throughout Central City Barry ran to the cabin that he used to visit every summer and winter with his parents. Upon arriving it was dark outside and the clouds were mirroring the night sky. The lights were on in the cabin and Barry walked up the driveway and through the door.

"I'm back." Barry said as Alice jumped from her chair and ran over and hugged her dad.

"Welcome back." She smiled as Barry rubbed her head. Barry sat at the dining table and he immediately noticed the atmosphere was tense and Kara wouldn't make eye contact with him.

"Did I come at a bad time?" Barry asked

"No! No at all." Kara said which startled Barry a bit.

"Okay?" Barry said confused. After they had finished their meals Nora, Maddison, Alice and Kara were cleaning up and Barry was outside on the porch keeping watch.

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