Chapter 1

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Author note: beware this story contains 18 and up themes such as more kinky elements such as breath play, odaxelagnia(biting kink), some light voyeurism, blowjobs, fireplay, MMF threesome, most of which is not done in a safe or healthy manner. Which could also probably be labeled a little Non-Con too.

The young woman walked along the street. Late afternoon rush had the streets busy as people were bustling to and from their destinations. The red haired woman walked among the crowd, a bag in hand with her work uniform in it. She never liked wearing her scrubs home from work and always chose to carry them with her and change in and out of her clothes. The young woman was simply on her way home from work. Her feet dragged softly feeling exhausted after working a back to back shift. She wanted for nothing more than to get home, wash up and crawl into her bed.

The sudden growl of her stomach had her pause in her step. Fuck when was the last time she ate? During her first shift? Most likely. The thought of having to cook something once she was home was not overly appealing but she also had no desire to sit down in a restaurant while her hair was a mess, her clothes were a simple pair of sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. No sitting down somewhere to eat in her current state didn't sound good either. She also just wanted to get home as fast as she could. She looked around the busy street spotting a convenient store on a corner. Changing her direction a bit she made her way over to the little store happy to buy herself some food to heat up once home. It probably wouldn't taste as good as her cooking but it seemed like the best idea.

With a second bag in hand now she walked out of the store. With the bag of food swaying with the bag of her scrubs she was taking home to wash. It seemed like such a peaceful afternoon but of course that didn't last as she was walking down the street once again before the sounds of screams broke through the night air. The sound of crashing buildings filled the air. Her instincts kicked in and she found herself running towards the sounds of screaming and fighting. The noises were ones she was accustomed to hearing with her years of previous training before she turned to medicine instead. She rounded a corner to come face to face with a group of pro hero's fighting with three weird looking creatures.

What the hell was she looking at? It looked like their brains were half exposed, one was flying, the other one on the ground was attacking the hero's. Geez first Stain the hero killer was running around Huso, now some weird monsters were running around attacking people and destroying buildings.

"Hey you get outta here this isn't a safe place," a man suddenly barked at her when she stopped to take in the situation.

"Hosu General hospital staff member Rin Nakano. Please let me add in evaluating and first aid," she said, pulling out an ID card she kept around her neck from the hospital. The hero looked skeptical at the young woman but didn't have the time or ability to argue with her at the moment.

"Fine but stay out of our way," was the harsh reply she received. She bit her tongue trying not to say anything back as she simply yelled a simple yes sir and turned to start helping the bystanders that had been caught up at the start of the attack. She wasn't surprised by the cold response she got from the hero. After all she looked like some simple bystander with an ID from the local hospital.

But she let it slide, not allowing the hero or his words to bother her as she rushed to help people who were still in the area. A bus was on fire as hero's struggled to keep the fire at bay, and fight two monsters. A kid crying grabbed her attention as she ran over to the kid.

"Shhh it's okay," she said as she kneeled down by the kid. A line of blood trickled down the kids face. But the cut was visibly shallow but head wounds always bled a lot. She went to pick the kid up when a cry caught her attention.

"Look out!" Was all she heard as she turned to see the large blue looking monster towering over her and the kid. A fist flying towards them. She acted without thinking her body moving as she clapped her hands down to the ground watching a wall of cement fly up between her and the monster at least two feet thick. But she knew it wouldn't be enough to stop the beast after she watched it toss around pro hero's like they were nothing. But all she needed was the second or two it would buy her. She didn't even watch to see if the wall would hold as she turned and grabbed the kid before she kicked off the ground running for all she was worth. She could hear the crumple of the cement behind her. As her back was turned. That was all she needed to get away from the fist that had been aimed for her and the kid. But that didn't stop the monster from giving chase. But she was able to buy enough time that some of the hero's were able to jump in and attack the being pulling its attention away from the woman and the kid as she ran trying to get the kid away from the fighting. But where was safe? The kid was clinging to her and she could hear the little boys sobs over the noise of battle. His body shook in her hands as she held him close running away from the disaster.

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