Chapter 34

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So what? This oddball of a man wanted her for what? A babysitter? Even more odd. What was a Yakuza boss doing with some young kid? It all felt off as Rin sat on the couch taking in what the man had to say. She watched him as his hands softly reached up to remove the mask that covered his face now allowing her to take in the view of what was a really handsome man not much older than herself.

"So you made a deal with Shigaraki so you could get a babysitter for some kid?" She asked, arching an eyebrow not at all trying to hide her skepticism.

"Eri's has been a bit of a handful. It was pointed out that a female presence in her life may make her a bit better behaved," was the very vague explanation she got from the man. Now she had to weigh if it was worth pressing for more answers or if she should just take what information she was given and go with it. She couldn't help it as her lips pressed together and her eyebrows pulled together.

"That still doesn't exactly answer my question. Am I simply becoming your babysitter now?" She wanted to try and push for more answers to her question. She listened to the man's sigh as he watched her reaction and her push back. She wasn't a push over and a part of Kai enjoyed that, she was either going to be fun or incredibly annoying.

"If it makes you feel better then yes think of yourself as a babysitter. I need you to help care for and keep the kid happy," he said simply. Why was it that he was talking so monotone about a kid. Was it his kid? He was a little older than herself. He could easily have a kid since Rin knew women her own age with kids already.

"Alright. How old is she? What times do you want me working? Times and days I'll be needed here would be nice," she said simply listing off a few questions that first came to her mind. Hmm if babysitting was all she was needed for then she would need to let Kurogiri know the days and hours so he could portal her in and out. Or so she was thinking.

"You will be staying here. If you're needed I will simply have someone either fetch you or deliver her to your care," ignoring the questions about the kid Kai simply commented about her request in days and times as if this was a job she would go home and come back to when needed. Oh no that wouldn't work. He did not want her being any more tainted than she already was. No, she needed to stay where she would remain clean. She needed to remain with him.

"What do you mean I'm staying here? I have no desire to be here away from my friends," she said, her lips pressing together and her eyebrows pulled together. She was not impressed with being told she was now someone else's prisoner. Why was it she was once again finding herself a prison, just now she had a new warden. Ugh this was not sitting well with her.

"It's exactly as I said. A room has been prepared for you. If you need anything please ask Chrono's and he will assist you the best he can," Kia said simply though with a tilt of her head and an arch of an eyebrow it became clear she didn't know who he was talking about. With the wave of a gloved hand the man who had led her through the maze and to Overhaul reached up to remove the plague mask that covered his face.

Rin was met with a much younger face than she expected. He looked to be the same age as Overhaul, so he couldn't have been in his thirties. Even with his silver hair he was clearly not much older than she was or Overhaul by her assumption at least. This man's name was apparently Chrono's it seemed based on the fact that was what Overhaul called him.

"And what if I refuse to stay?" She asked in a low tone as she pulled her attention away from the silver haired man and back to Overhaul who was now glaring at her as his lips pressed into a firm line.

"You have no choice. If you refuse to behave I will resort to more forceful means," was the answer she received which upset her even more as she tried not to just blow up at him. Getting mad and striking out would only cause her more issues. And so she sat back and simply crossed her arms over her chest with an upset huff. She had no issues letting her unhappy mood clear but she didn't do anything else.

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