Chapter 39

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It seemed like the kid and Overhaul had some sort of past, though exactly what it was Rin did not know nor was she about to ask either of them about it. It wasn't till his hand on her arm ripped her from her thoughts. She stumbled a little as she turned with Overhaul turning their backs on the blonde young man as Overhaul all so confidently said the kid was going to die down here. Oh how wrong he was. Rin would now be able to stand back and watch a kid die. She would step in before that happened but for right now she knew she couldn't get between the two yet. After all at this moment Overhaul was not the biggest concern as her own balance felt a little off. Of course the sound of someone asking the blonde if he felt sloshed. Ah it was a quirk she should have noticed as she gave her head a shake and steadied herself as she walked with Overhaul. Though the second she glanced back over her shoulders green eyes met vibrate dark blue eyes.

Ah so it seemed she would not be able to get away completely unnoticed, but with Overhaul rough treatment it made it easy for her to look like a damsel in distress. She once again gave a tug at her arm trying to remove it from his grip but of course it did not budge. Though the sound of gun fire had her jump as she looked back to spit yet another man wearing a long coat though this one was black compared to Chrono's white one. But like the others he wore a full face mask that reminded her of the old plague masks. This was still such an odd thing, like why the bird masks around here? Still she couldn't risk going back to help the young hero. As much as she felt it was unfair with the villains teaming up she still knew she needed to keep going with Eri's. If she stopped now to help him there was no chance she would be able to get back to Eri's, Overhaul would never let her close if he deemed her a traitor.

"You know I can walk on my own, you do not have to keep dragging me," she growled as her arm was quickly growing sore from his tight grip.

"Can you?" He asked nearly sarcastically, or was it truly sarcasm he used? She honestly couldn't tell as he glanced over at her and arched an eyebrow at her.

"Yes, now let go," she growled as she walked with him. It almost looked like he wanted to argue with her over the matter that she couldn't walk. But it seemed he decided differently which was good for them both as his fingers released their iron like grip on her arm. She happily stepped away a step allowing herself a little distance from the man as she continued to walk down the hall leaving two of Overhauls men to deal with the blonde. Which, whom she was silently hoping would win and catch up to them.

Maybe she didn't need to hope too much as the blonde kid's voice carried down the hall along with the two villains taking an absolute beating. The kid was strong and he seemed to have an ironclad will as he even loudly announced that he was going to save Eri's. With that Overhaul, Chrono and Rin stopped to turn back and see that both men were on the ground looking rather incapacitated as they lay sprawled out on the floor. And yet she had only caught a glimpse as the blonde kid disappeared into the floor. Well that was a very interesting quirk. It made sense that Chrono and Overhaul were the kids' prime targets. But before she could even try to put any distance between herself and Overhaul the blonde had already popped up behind them. His timing was nearly perfected. His fist glanced cross Overhaul's cheek every so slightly missing enough contact to do more than slightly break the skin. His right foot phased through Eri not harming her at all and then became solid in time to collide with Chrono's. It was almost hard to believe that the kid was well, just that, still a kid but he had that much technique and training to perform such an advanced attack on two villain's.

In the blink of an eye this young blonde man had Overhaul and Chrono's pushed back and had scooped up Eri all before she could hit the ground after Chrono's let go of her. If Rin would have blinked at the wrong moment she would have missed the entire thing. With this Rin was quick to back away from Overhaul till the white wall touched her shoulder blades. She could hear Eri's crying at the young hero to go back and that Overhaul was going to kill him. Eri, her kind soul, was worried for the poor young hero and Rin couldn't blame the child for her fears. As those same fears were clawing at herself. Of course the blonde hero was quick to let Eri know he was never going to let her go again. So they did have some sort of history. Did Eri know the hero? Rin was still curious but now was clearly not the time as she stood back and watched the blonde kid hold tightly to Eri's as Overhaul stood up.

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