Chapter 42

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It seemed after returning from her time with Overhaul something had shifted between the two of them. Or maybe it was Dabi who changed? She wasn't sure but he seemed to be a bit more clingy. He didn't leave her alone as much as he used to. No more just taking off on her without a word, no if he did have a job to do he let her know about it now. She always seemed to know what he was doing, but in turn he wanted the same thing. Which was a little odd, but she did not mind. It was nice knowing he wanted to know when she had things to do though it was rare. Shigaraki did not usually give her tasks like he did the others. It was all a little odd and yet she could not deny she really did enjoy having him around more and seemingly more like a normal boyfriend.

Though now that thought brought about a new topic her mind would drift off to. Were they actually an item? She could not bring herself to actually ask him. Sure some aspects of what they did reminded her of being in a relationship but neither of them had openly admitted to it. She was not sleeping with anyone else and yet could she say the same for Dabi? At first she assumed she was not the only woman he was fucking just the one that was the easiest to have access to when ever he wanted sex. But now that didn't seem quite right. Sure the sex was still rough and some times she wondering if they were fighting or fucking but she did not actually want to change that. The aggressive sex was the fun part.

She was sitting back on an old couch eating a melon bread bun that was going to be her lunch for the time being before she heard a cell phone go off. Slowly chewing happily at her bun she glanced over to watch Shigaraki pull the ringing device from his pocket and answer as he kept his pinky from touching the device. She had to bite back the urge to laugh, it always did make her giggle watching the man hold things in his hand with his pinky up in the air. And of course he always threw a glare at her every time he heard her giggle at him but that was all the man child did.

The phone conversation did not really interest her, sure almost no one called Shigaraki but she knew Dabi was off doing something. He had told her what it was but she couldn't remember any more. It had been some boring job of meeting up with some low unknown hero. A dirty hero was nothing new and she didn't even recognize the name when Dabi had told it to her. It wasn't till the cell phone that Shigaraki had been holding was thrown across the room that she jumped to her feet looking over at Shigaraki having been startled by his sudden outburst as he started to swear. Either the job did not go well with Dabi or that had not been Dabi on the phone.

"What's going on?" She asked as she watched the man start violently scratching at his neck with both his hands as he started to pace around the room they were in. Cue childish melt down in three, two, one.

"Kurogiri was arrested," Was all you were able to get out of the man as he now violently scratched at his neck and proceeded to stomp his feet like a child. She stood back a little unsure if approaching him would be a good idea, after all the man had a tendency like most of those in the league to strike out in anger and that could kill her if she was not careful. Still this was not good, who was going to keep Shigaraki in check? Hell she didn't even know if the man knew how to care for himself without his nanny standing beside him. Eyeing up his neck she watched as scarlet red pearls were starting to roll down his neck and over his collar bone before the shirt he was wearing started to absorb the small bit of blood.

"Shigaraki, please take a breath. Can you sit down? You're bleeding," She said softly as she stood there watching as those bloodshot eyes quickly looked over at her as she spoke up ready for him to take out his anger on her. And yet he surprised her when she watched him stop his tantrum and actually take a deep breath.

"It itches," he growled as his dull nails still dug into the soft and scarred skin of his neck.

"I know it does. Will you let me help?" she asked softly, remembering the last time he had been so reluctant to let her clean and tend to his neck when he scratched the skin raw. Though this time he had been even more violent than last time with his scratching. He had clearly been reluctant to want to let her help and yet this time he nodded his head freely allowing her to tend to him.

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